New photos of Randy's system ...

I actually brought a small table near the Woo stand and the Abyss /headphone stand sits on it pretty well, so the Woo has its own perch now

Updated pictures, headphones are definitely set... the Woo has its own perch, the headphone stand is holding all three :D.

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i really like the new space!! ...have been thinking of moving all my gear to the upstairs study as well.
i really like the new space!! ...have been thinking of moving all my gear to the upstairs study as well.

I am getting used to it. I am starting to like it a lot. This has allowed my wife to put the library back the way she wants it (it came out very nice) and eliminated a room that was never used, now making it very functional! Was a pain to shift everything, moving the stuff that was in the room, getting rid of some stuff, re-organizing the master bedroom (another room that she is thrilled with how it came out).

Along with all of this we now have a plan in place to introduce our new family member who should be ready to come home in a couple of weeks!

Here is Marleigh:

Marleigh_Baby (2).jpg

Here is her dad, Apollo:


And Marleigh with her mom, Katarina:

Baby_Marleigh (6).jpg

I can hear her saying.... ohhh mmmooommmmmmm...... I don't need another bath :).
I am getting used to it. I am starting to like it a lot. This has allowed my wife to put the library back the way she wants it (it came out very nice) and eliminated a room that was never used, now making it very functional! Was a pain to shift everything, moving the stuff that was in the room, getting rid of some stuff, re-organizing the master bedroom (another room that she is thrilled with how it came out).

Along with all of this we now have a plan in place to introduce our new family member who should be ready to come home in a couple of weeks!

Here is Marleigh:

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Here is her dad, Apollo:

View attachment 30241

And Marleigh with her mom, Katarina:

View attachment 30242

Welcome to the Bengal owners family. Marleigh will be constant, high energy entertainment. And talkative! Just make sure play with her a lot and have some high places for her to climb and sleep in. We have 2 x 78 inch condos for our tribe. And some smaller condos an scratching posts too. And Marleigh’s coat will take a while to attain it’s final color/glitter and luxuriousness!

Zeus says Hi!


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Hey Zeus... he is gorgeous. I assume he tries to keep the Rag Dolls busy :).

We are looking forward to Marleigh coming home... we are trying decide the best way to introduce her to the other two cats in our family :). I had been wanting a Bengal. They are supposed to be great family additions, beautiful, energetic, fun, and very very intelligent... hey how could you not love a kitten that loves water, play fetch, and wants to be involved with everything going on around the house. So Cheryal decided to get me one for my birthday. We have been talking about her as if she was already part of our family ever since we heard she was born... but because of Covid we have not been able to visit her yet. We can pick her up in 2-3 weeks. We will settle on exact date soon.

Sleeping in the box cracks me up. Our old timer has taken to sleeping in any box that we leave sitting around. Cheryal is afraid of throwing them away so she leaves his favorite in the office for him.
By the way, back to the system. I cleaned up the headphone stand to keep cabling more orderly. The Euclid don't need to be there since they go to work with me every day :).

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Looking great Randy. That vinyl collection is sure growing.

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Just moved to guest room and set the other room back up as a library/cat sanctuary :).

Thanks, the vinyl has grown too much.
I did make one more change. I packed away the large cover all dust cover and got the Rega outer plinth back out. I was having a small issue of where to actually put the dust cover when removed (the only logical place was one of Marleigh's favorite places). Slowly training her where she can and cannot go in the room. She is learning although her kitten curiosities still get the better of her sometimes (she just turned 4 months).

I was surprised because in the other room I never actually heard any difference with or without the outer plinth. However in the new location the sound performance was enhanced with the use of the second, outer plinth. Who would have thought?