New photos of Randy's system ...

Looks like you're not running any subs now. How's that working out?
Yeah, tube rolling IS fun, but a rabbit hole. However, when you have friends to roll with, its an instant party!

Your rack is wider and your speakers taller vs Page 1 photos. LoL

Yea Norman, a few changes since then :)... I blame a lot on you for forcing me to try DSD :D....
Looks like you're not running any subs now. How's that working out?

Yes, not running a sub any more. I actually sold the KEF. I think the sub might have actually hurt the sound with the SET amps, and in my room sub are not easy to integrate. My KEFs floor standing speakers give me all the low end that I need and got to a point where the sub was more of a PITA then anything else.
Some new photos with the current setup. I am calling this my Giant Killer Combo :).... All of the major components have earned a reputation that some may refer to as Giant Killers.

The Wyred 4 Sound Pre-amp has been review as world class and directly compared to pre-amps that sell for over 6 times its price

The T+A DAC is marvelous and to get anything I might consider more it I would have to spend 4 times its price. That is Giant Killer in my book.

The Audio Mirror amps are amazing, with decent power for a SET amp. The Absolute Sound gave them a fantastic review and stated at twice their price he would give them his absolute highest rating!

I have always been a KEF fan. I love the Reference 3 or the Blade II's, but neither are in my affordable range. The next best thing is the R series, which KEF refers to as their Mini Reference series. Same size and very similar in design to the Reference series however they are built in KEFs Chinese factory versus the facility in England. Therefore they are about a quarter the price. At this price I could not image a speaker that would be better for me!

The Audio Quest Niagara 1000 has won several major awards and in my mind the best power conditioner available for about a quarter of anything else I would want...

So here are some new photos now that the system is finally reaching the level that I have been shooting for :):
(I am not sure why these only inserted as a link instead of the photo itself?)

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Some new photos with the current setup. I am calling this my Giant Killer Combo :).... All of the major components have earned a reputation that some may refer to as Giant Killers.

The Wyred 4 Sound Pre-amp has been review as world class and directly compared to pre-amps that sell for over 6 times its price

The T+A DAC is marvelous and to get anything I might consider more it I would have to spend 4 times its price. That is Giant Killer in my book.

The Audio Mirror amps are amazing, with decent power for a SET amp. The Absolute Sound gave them a fantastic review and stated at twice their price he would give them his absolute highest rating!

I have always been a KEF fan. I love the Reference 3 or the Blade II's, but neither are in my affordable range. The next best thing is the R series, which KEF refers to as their Mini Reference series. Same size and very similar in design to the Reference series however they are built in KEFs Chinese factory versus the facility in England. Therefore they are about a quarter the price. At this price I could not image a speaker that would be better for me!

The Audio Quest Niagara 1000 has won several major awards and in my mind the best power conditioner available for about a quarter of anything else I would want...

So here are some new photos now that the system is finally reaching the level that I have been shooting for :):
(I am not sure why these only inserted as a link instead of the photo itself?)

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All I get when I try to view the attachment is this : Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
The photo uploads have been weird lately. Not sure what is going on. It was only inserting links instead of inserting the photo into the post. Trying to get it to work I think I completely messed it up entirely :)....

If Joe or Mike would delete the whole thread (it has gotten out of hand anyway) and clear all my uploaded photos I will be glad to try a completely new thread :)....
The photo uploads have been weird lately. Not sure what is going on. It was only inserting links instead of inserting the photo into the post. Trying to get it to work I think I completely messed it up entirely :)....

If Joe or Mike would delete the whole thread (it has gotten out of hand anyway) and clear all my uploaded photos I will be glad to try a completely new thread :)....

I've had nothing but trouble on uploads, its weird, for some it works great for others its just "hit and miss".
Here are some updated photos of my favorite configuration, with the T+A amplifier. More simplified setup, easier operation, etc.

I did, but then I just purchased and downloaded the album in DSD512........ WOW.... I mean......... W O W... from what I have heard this is the best sounding album EVER! Oh, it is a really fantastic album also :D.
I did, but then I just purchased and downloaded the album in DSD512........ WOW.... I mean......... W O W... from what I have heard this is the best sounding album EVER! Oh, it is a really fantastic album also :D.

Where did you DL it from in 512?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Was just looking at the NativeDSD homepage with Vanessa Fernandez and watching the youtube video made , interesting.
Was just looking at the NativeDSD homepage with Vanessa Fernandez and watching the youtube video made , interesting.

I read the description of the recording:

“The album was recorded at United Recording Studios (former known as Oceanway Studios) in Hollywood and was mixed at Sphere Studios in Burbank and Capital Recording Studios in Hollywood. All recording, tracking and mixing was done 100% analog. Michael C. Ross recorded the album in United Recording Studio B over four days on a 24 track Studer Recorder using 2 inch analog tape running at 30 ips. The final 30 ips 1/4 inch stereo master was used by Bernie Grundman to create the Stereo DSD 64 master.”

This tells me that all they did was take the DSD64 master and upsample it to DSD256/DSD512. Having sat in the chair of a Mastering Engineer and watched what they use to upsample DSD64 (and 24/96), no thanks. You could take the DSD64 and upsample it to DSD512 yourself.

I’m about to crack open the vinyl LP. Things will get interesting. :)
They are not up-sampled. They have a much more extensive process then simple up-sampling. I have the original DSD64 download of "When The Levee Breaks" and the new DSD256 version. Vastly better sounding even after having HQPlayer up-sample to 24.6Mhz. Same with the comparison between the SACD rip, which is basically ripping the original DSD64 off the disk, and comparing to the DSD512. Vastly better in my view.

"We are pleased to announce the availability of Groove Note releases in DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 in addition to the original DSD 64 releases. These higher bit rate DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 releases are all pure DSD created. They are not up samplings, for there are no PCM or DXD conversions involved in their production. They are re-modulations of the original DSD 64 encoding modulation that produced the DSD 64 releases. The sonic advantage to these new Stereo DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 releases, as with all higher DSD bit rate releases, is the wider frequency passband prior to the onset of modulation noise. This results in the listener’s DAC using gentler and more phase linear filters for playback of the music."

They are not up-sampled. They have a much more extensive process then simple up-sampling. I have the original DSD64 download of "When The Levee Breaks" and the new DSD256 version. Vastly better sounding even after having HQPlayer up-sample to 24.6Mhz. Same with the comparison between the SACD rip, which is basically ripping the original DSD64 off the disk, and comparing to the DSD512. Vastly better in my view.

"We are pleased to announce the availability of Groove Note releases in DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 in addition to the original DSD 64 releases. These higher bit rate DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 releases are all pure DSD created. They are not up samplings, for there are no PCM or DXD conversions involved in their production. They are re-modulations of the original DSD 64 encoding modulation that produced the DSD 64 releases. The sonic advantage to these new Stereo DSD 128, DSD 256, and DSD 512 releases, as with all higher DSD bit rate releases, is the wider frequency passband prior to the onset of modulation noise. This results in the listener’s DAC using gentler and more phase linear filters for playback of the music."

Thanks, but I remain skeptical. The original sources are the tape (first) and DSD64 (second). Without the original tape to DSD512, it’s a bit of marketing speak with “wider frequency passband prior to the onset of modulation noise.”

I’m listening to the vinyl right now. Game over.
I agree that I would have preferred they take the original tape and went direct to DSD512. However, it is definitely not something I could do at home and definitely involves a much higher level process.

I do know that DSD64 can definitely have issues if not dealt with. The “wider frequency passband prior to the onset of modulation noise" is a known issue with DSD64, and somewhat to a lesser extent with DSD128.

I do not claim to understand it completely but there is some form of high freq. noise in the modulation that can come into audible range. It has been known for a while now that DSD128 is better but getting to DSD256 is essential to experience how amazing DSD can be, and assuring none of the modulation noise can cause issues.

DSD512 is supposed to be the only digital format that can truly produce a signal that is indistinguishable from the original analog, without having to deal with the pops and clicks, setup, fine tuning, tone arm, cartridge, phono pre-amp, cleaning, cleaning again, cleaning a third time, storage, etc., etc.

T+A even talks about the issue with DSD64. They state that there can be a big enough issue that using their "Wide" setting could damage gear and especially speakers. Therefore they disable this setting when a DSD64 signal is detected. The setting, which is supposed to make a wonderful difference is available for DSD128 and higher.

Therefore, there is a real and true benefits getting the signal to DSD512. Even though I am not extremely happy with how the Signalyst guy handles upgrades, etc., with HQPlayer, I still use it because it does have true benefits in playing back my music from my server.

I have also noticed that the higher signal going in the better the HQPlayer up-sampling works, in my view. Therefore I always purchased the highest I can. Use Vanessa's album as an example, the DSD64 SACD rip up-sampled through HQPlayer to 24.6 Mhz sounds amazing, however the DSD512 up-sampled to 24.6 Mhz is definitely better.

I have compared the straight DSD512 (22.6 Mhz according to T+A, or as they list it, 22M6, silly Germans) to the HQPlayer up-sampled 48 base clock (ala 24M6) and it definitely is a touch better (very slight but something I do notice).
Makes sense. I’m tempted to download it, but right now, I’ve lugged home a Chord DAVE with the Hugo M Scaler to break in. I’m thinking that since the M Scaler makes everything 32/768, it may not matter what is being fed: DSD64 or DSD512. I’m going to wait until I get back in the store and download the DSD512 and try it on the MSB ProUSB which supports 8xDSD.
Nice... I would love to experience what the MSB can do with DSD512! The T+A constantly amazes me.

One thing to keep in mind :), the DSD512 version of this album is 19.1 GB in size :exciting:.