My RoomPlay Reference sound room

Looks great Jim. A much simpler setup compared to your prior room. I’m sure the sound is wonderful. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on how this room sounds compared to your previous setup with the Tannoys.
Very nice Jim. The option to get speakers that far into the room is a great starting point for setting up your system for amazing sound.
nice room -- very clean lines and elegant!! ...btw: i see in your current signature "Duelund USB" -- first time i am seeing this cable... is that a DIY cable?
Congrats on the room Jim. Great to see the attention paid to room acoustics.

Out of interest, what was the biggest single challenge you had to overcome to get great sound from the room?
Congrats on the room Jim. Great to see the attention paid to room acoustics.

Out of interest, what was the biggest single biggest challenge you had to overcome to get great sound from the room?


I have used this room for seven years for my RoomPlay Reference sessions for clients.

RoomPlay Reference | Get Better Sound

Most every visitor said it was the best sound - the most involving musically - that they ever heard.

The point of this room was - and still is - to help people understand more about the impact from a better set-up, and how they can get there without having to purchase more components. Not that purchasing components is a bad thing - quite the contrary, IMO. It's just that better components will do even more when the acoustic wave-launch into the room at the listening seat is received properly.

I began to worry that folks might think, "Of course it's great, look at his equipment!" So I recently sold the entire system, and replaced it with one that cost less than the power cords in the previous system.

The sound here now is just as musically involving. Some aspects are actually better, some not so much.

Getting good sound from systems is what I do (maybe a thousand clients over the years), and this one was not so different.

Sorry for the sales pitch! As I started to reply I might have gotten a bit carried away... :rolleyes:
All of the Joseph Audio speakers I have experienced sounded amazing. So I am not surprised that this is the route you chose.I can only imagine how incredible they sound in your room when applying all of your expertise.Enjoy!
..Getting good sound from systems is what I do (maybe a thousand clients over the years), and this one was not so different.

It wasn't only clients before your later retail and RoomPlay days. I remember the first time we met - you walked into Sound Components on the Circle and set up the MG-IIs. To this day, that experience over 40 years ago remains with me, illustrating what a professional from a high end audio manufacturer should be.

The room looks fantastic and surely sounds even better. Congratulations.
Wait, no keyless entry? And where is the shrine??

Looking good Jim, enjoy some tunes and this 4th


Very nice room and setup Jim! You certainly simplified things in your dedicated room. Someday soon I need to come up to Atlanta for a session.
It wasn't only clients before your later retail and RoomPlay days. I remember the first time we met - you walked into Sound Components on the Circle and set up the MG-IIs. To this day, that experience over 40 years ago remains with me, illustrating what a professional from a high end audio manufacturer should be.

The room looks fantastic and surely sounds even better. Congratulations.

I remember that store well , were you with Peter when they moved to US1 ...!