Alpinist (Ken) - how is your new system?

My Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps have arrived!!!

Hi Ken,
Glad your amps arrived. I'm sure many Sharks look forward to hearing your impressions of the sound of Vandersteen Speaker/Amp combination.

Also, after the electrical work is done, please post details about the make & model of breakers, wire, power switches etc. This may be helpful to any sharks who are thinking about upgrading their electrical wiring etc.lines.

Hi Ken,
Glad your amps arrived. I'm sure many Sharks look forward to hearing your impressions of the sound of Vandersteen Speaker/Amp combination.

Also, after the electrical work is done, please post details about the make & model of breakers, wire, power switches etc. This may be helpful to any sharks who are thinking about upgrading their electrical wiring etc.lines.


Thanks Duke! I'll be sure to post feedback about the sound of my new amps once they've broken in as well as information about my power upgrades when they are completed.

Audio in crates is like a beautiful woman in a parka. Still exciting on many levels....;)

The V7s were very close to the Rockport Cygnus for me and, even though I chose the Cygnus, I'm sure the V7s (which I heard) together with their dedicated amps (which I didn't) will be very special indeed. Congratulations my friend. :congrats:

Two dedicated 20-amp power lines being installed right at this moment! Two Audioquest Edison NRG duplex outlets and two power switches that totally disengage any connection when turned off for additional peace of mind.

Hoping to have the Vandersteen monoblock amps installed this Friday with the Vandy 7's 11-band subwoofer equalization set for my listening room.


If you had offered me some of your world's best Bagels, I would have been happy to bring my sledge hammer and arc welder over and do the job for you for free! :lol:

Hi Kerry,

Glad you liked the bagels. My wife and I really liked the wine you gave us too.

How is everything going with the Cygnus and your array of subwoofers?

The Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps are in my room and playing. Rest of system is ARC CD-9, Ref6 and Audioquest Fire Silver Interconnects. Vivaldi's Four Seasons just blew me away. Huge soundstage, wonderful separation between instruments, organic and musical, terrific bass weight. Hands down the best sound I've ever heard in my room.

The Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps are in my room and playing. Rest of system is ARC CD-9, Ref6 and Audioquest Fire Silver Interconnects. Vivaldi's Four Seasons just blew me away. Huge soundstage, wonderful separation between instruments, organic and musical, terrific bass weight. Hands down the best sound I've ever heard in my room.


Many congrats very happy for you!! Great to hear you are enjoying the new gear. Huge soundstage, separation between instruments, etc... Sounds blissful!!! [emoji106]

Enjoy! Now you need a Lampizator. [emoji6]

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The Vandersteen M7-HPA mono amps are in my room and playing. Rest of system is ARC CD-9, Ref6 and Audioquest Fire Silver Interconnects. Vivaldi's Four Seasons just blew me away. Huge soundstage, wonderful separation between instruments, organic and musical, terrific bass weight. Hands down the best sound I've ever heard in my room.


Ken - You're a patient man and your patience has been rewarded! Congratulations!! We will need pictures you know!
Ken, congrats & thanks for the constant updates/responses to this thread. A friend is getting Vandersteen amps in about 3 weeks (to go with his Model 7ii's). I can't wait to listen to that combination. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing your impressions of the Model 7s with M7-HPAs, and related gear.
