Niagara 5000 (your advice)


New member
Feb 28, 2019
I am planing to purchase the Niagara 5000 and will be a blind purchase.
The reason behind getting this specific conditioner, is that I have AQ power cables and want to achieve full synergy. Also the reviews about Denali being rolled off compared to the Niagara have pushed me away toward the 5000.

Here are my concerns:
1- Is this a dated devices? Is it too late to make this purchase? I mean that AQ might release a new replacement soon, given that this unit is relatively old.
2- The hum/buzz issue, does that indicate a flawed design? Is this an issue that AQ discovered way after the release and decided NOT to come up with a new design (upgrade) to fix it or what is going on?
3- Is it a harsh sounding conditioner?
I am planing to purchase the Niagara 5000 and will be a blind purchase.
The reason behind getting this specific conditioner, is that I have AQ power cables and want to achieve full synergy. Also the reviews about Denali being rolled off compared to the Niagara have pushed me away toward the 5000.

Here are my concerns:
1- Is this a dated devices? Is it too late to make this purchase? I mean that AQ might release a new replacement soon, given that this unit is relatively old.
2- The hum/buzz issue, does that indicate a flawed design? Is this an issue that AQ discovered way after the release and decided NOT to come up with a new design (upgrade) to fix it or what is going on?
3- Is it a harsh sounding conditioner?

1. No. No updates planned that I’m aware of.
2. No. The 5000 is much quieter than the 7000.
3. Definitely not. Smooth.

I have a 5000 for sale from a customer who upgraded to the 7000. PM me for details.

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Regarding the harshness, I came a cross a thread on this forum that shows a video comparing the 7000 against the Shunyata. Almost everyone on the thread liked the Shunyata and almost everyone find the 7000 fatiguing. Not sure what they are talking about and how come they rely on a Youtube video! Although they all seem to be audiophiles with expensive gear and long term of experience.
This comparison makes me feel hesitant. :skeptical:

1. No. No updates planned that I’m aware of.
2. No. The 5000 is much quieter than the 7000.
3. Definitely not. Smooth.

I have a 5000 for sale from a customer who upgraded to the 7000. PM me for details.

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Regarding the harshness, I came a cross a thread on this forum that shows a video comparing the 7000 against the Shunyata. Almost everyone on the thread liked the Shunyata and almost everyone find the 7000 fatiguing. Not sure what they are talking about and how come they rely on a Youtube video! Although they all seem to be audiophiles with expensive gear and long term of experience.
This comparison makes me feel hesitant. :skeptical:

Relying on other people viewing a youtube video isn’t ideal.

I don’t find either the 5000, 7000 or Denali fatiguing. Quite the opposite. I find an absence of a good quality power conditioner fatiguing!

We have and use all three in the store.

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Relying on other people viewing a youtube video isn’t ideal

Relying on "reviews" isn't either and he's determining the alleged "rolloff" (which doesn't actually exist) of the Denali based upon that.

To the OP, you need to try both conditioners in your system or else all you're doing is guessing.
If you get a chance, go to Mike’s and listen for yourself.

Personally, I just switched from a Shunyata Triton to an AQ Niagara 5000. I have not regretted the switch, and find they both add value to my system.

Also, the AQ Niagaras as a product line were launched just about 3 years ago, while the Shunyatas (at least the top-line Tritons) have been around a bit longer.

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I own the Niagara 7000 and it is exactly the opposite of fatiguing. It has provided greater ease with my system and I can play louder without having any listener fatigue. The amount of noise that has been removed is significant. Jet black background with more detail, nuance and articulate bass. Any negatives? It emits a slight hum that I can only hear when I’m less the 2 feet away.

The Niagara 5000 is quieter as far as the hum is concerned but the 7000 offers superior and audibly better noise reduction the through its low current outlets. The high outlets in the 7000 and 5000 are identical. I’m planning on getting a Niagara 5000 to go with my 7000. One amp monoblock and subwoofer monoblock will be plugged into the 7000 high current outlets and one amp monoblock and subwoofer monoblock will be plugged into the 5000 high current outlets.

If I'm not mistaken, the 5000 actually became available about a year later than the 7000. Really like mine (used with Hurricane PCs).
If I'm not mistaken, the 5000 actually became available about a year later than the 7000. Really like mine (used with Hurricane PCs).

Yes, this is true. The 5000 satisfied a medium price point and addressed hum issues that some with tube gear were experiencing with the 7000.

i looked into the niagra and denali before ultimately purchasing a torus avr20. i felt the torus had more robust specs for what i was looking for and had nothing but positive use reviews. torus is also a subsidiary of piltron who make amazing toroidal transformers.
huge caveat: i was not able to listen to any of the conditioners in my system and my decision was based solely on reviews, specs, and a gut instinct of what would make sense in my system. all i can report is that torus was a killer addition and i'm extremely happy with my purchase. just thought i'd mention it in case you're still shopping around. if you're settled on aq, then best of luck with your purchase and hope it works well.
Thanks everyone for help and for answering my questions.

I just want to make sure that I get a device that stays with me for many years. I am not an upgrade freak that keeps upgrading every 2nd year. I tend to keep each device for 7-10years!
This is why I wanted to make sure that the AQ5000 is good device that can live for years ahead, without being concerned about hum or heat issues. It is funny how new Shunyata advertisement rely on 2 words "no buzz no heat" :congrats:
I also have very sensitive ears to lean and bright sound signature, this is why I wanted to make sure that AQ5000 is the perfect conditioner to my taste.
I guess that I will order the AQ5000 and will report back to you.

Thanks again
Thanks everyone for help and for answering my questions.

I just want to make sure that I get a device that stays with me for many years. I am not an upgrade freak that keeps upgrading every 2nd year. I tend to keep each device for 7-10years!
This is why I wanted to make sure that the AQ5000 is good device that can live for years ahead, without being concerned about hum or heat issues. It is funny how new Shunyata advertisement rely on 2 words "no buzz no heat" :congrats:
I also have very sensitive ears to lean and bright sound signature, this is why I wanted to make sure that AQ5000 is the perfect conditioner to my taste.
I guess that I will order the AQ5000 and will report back to you.

Thanks again


Any feedback on the 5000? Any hum issues?


Any feedback on the 5000? Any hum issues?


Unfortunately I am not in the position to confirm anything about the 5000 yet. Since I got it and I am away from my music room due to new work commitments.
Will let you know once I have a good experience with the 5000.

Not quite sure but I read many articles which relates the hum with the 7000 only NOT the 5000.
New here. For my McIntosh A/V gear I consider a power protection device.
Niagara 5000 or McIntosh MPC500
The McIntosh is cheaper.
Any advice will be appreciated.
New here. For my McIntosh A/V gear I consider a power protection device.
Niagara 5000 or McIntosh MPC500
The McIntosh is cheaper.
Any advice will be appreciated.

I love my Niagara 5000’s. Provides excellent linear noise reduction, which removes noise related edginess, improves dimensionality and brings out nuances. No change in tonality, dead neutral.

I love my Niagara 5000’s. Provides excellent linear noise reduction, which removes noise related edginess, improves dimensionality and brings out nuances. No change in tonality, dead neutral.

Thanks very much indeed!
New here. For my McIntosh A/V gear I consider a power protection device.
Niagara 5000 or McIntosh MPC500
The McIntosh is cheaper.
Any advice will be appreciated.

Niagara all day. My system is heavy McIntosh. I own Niagara 7000 and 5000. The MPC1500 looks fantastic, distributes power, and protects gear. The Niagara does that too and will make your system sound better. Much better. Use AQ power cords, I love the Hurricanes.

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Niagara all day. My system is heavy McIntosh. I own Niagara 7000 and 5000. The MPC1500 looks fantastic, distributes power, and protects gear. The Niagara does that too and will make your system sound better. Much better. Use AQ power cords, I love the Hurricanes.

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Thank you 🙏🏼
Sanbobo and others.

There are two things you can trust in this transaction. AQ< they make fine well regarded products, and Mike at Suncoast. He's never steered me wrong or advised badly even if the product was not his. Had the AQ 5000 and it was excellent.
Sanbobo and others.

There are two things you can trust in this transaction. AQ< they make fine well regarded products, and Mike at Suncoast. He's never steered me wrong or advised badly even if the product was not his. Had the AQ 5000 and it was excellent.

Thank you!