AudioQuest Dragon Power Cord Review

I was afraid of this. Just as I was thinking of Hurricanes.

But is the Dragon twice as good?

Please say no... :panic:
I love my AudioQuest Hurricanes, value engineered. And they sound terrific. No desire to upgrade.

Hurricanes are fantastic... I have several... Recently I upgraded to Dragons on my main system. The difference is substantial (expecially on my DAC). Are they worth it? I think many people could be happy to have hurricanes for life. Just don't do an A/B test with Dragons and you will be fine. If you are seeking every little bit you can get, then Dragons are essential. Dragons definitely added that extra sparkle for me.
I now own the Dragon HC power cord. It is attached to my Audioquest Niagara 7000. It is a very special power cord for this application.

First off it was designed by the same people and was probably voiced together as a combo unit.
And secondly, I have owned so many power cords and the Dragon is the very best on the power conditioner. Even against the Odin.

BTW, I had also owned a Hurricane HC that I hoped would allow me to avoid paying so much for the Dragon. The Hurricane was ok, but had a boomy mid bass and generally didn't impress me. I ended up selling it.

So, as you can tell I highly recommended the Dragon, especially if you use it with the Audioquest power conditioners.

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Not in the pic, but I'm also using a Dragon HC like you!
I've heard both in my systems but the Omega was an early version and I don't think Shunyata had differentiated the Omega into QR, QR-s, and XC at the time I demo'd it.
If you've heard Shunyata cables and describe the sound is very transparent through the midrange, the Omega takes that signature to even greater levels with additional refinement. I totally agree it's component and system dependent. I think one might perceive that they hear more detail and separation with the Shunyata Omega.
The AQ Dragon has a more full, rich, yet extended and refined sound. It's more to my liking on components and systems I've tried it vs Omega but both cables are very fine products.
The AQ Dragon has a more full, rich, yet extended and refined sound. It's more to my liking on components and systems I've tried it vs Omega but both cables are very fine products.

It’s hard to put into words the improvement in sound quality by adding the AQ Dragon Source Power Cables to my MSB Select DAC. The level of transparency, detail and nuance, naturalness and refinement are just stunning. I tried several other high end power cords and none of them came even close to the musicality I am currently experiencing.

So where is the sweet spot with Audioquest cabling? The break point where it is still affordable to the masses and sounds better than the equivalent priced competitor?
So where is the sweet spot with Audioquest cabling? The break point where it is still affordable to the masses and sounds better than the equivalent priced competitor?

My personal opinion would be get Dragon power cables and anything Earth or above in signal cables that suit your listening taste (if you were leaning toward using Audioquest for both purposes). I've used Earth and WEL interconnects with Dragon power cables and both sound great with totally different sound signatures.

Though I haven't heard Firebird power cables, I have demo'd Hurricane on numerous occasions and it's not in the same ballpark as Dragon.