Ref 10 Replacement in Feb 2020 ?

50 years in this industry is a BFD... I completely expect ARC will take full advantage of the marketing opportunity to an even greater extent than they did with 40th anniversary. I think maybe we’ll see the end-of-production of Ref10 phono, Ref10 line stage, possibly REf250se, (each of which is at or beyond typical product life-cycle anyway) to be replaced with Anniversary models of each. No way a company passes up this monumental achievement (50 years) without producing statement products.

REF250SE is already out of production. Looks like they recently dumped all the remaining stock to certain dealers. Can probably get them NIB for a screaming bargain (16K-18K)
50 years in this industry is a BFD... I completely expect ARC will take full advantage of the marketing opportunity to an even greater extent than they did with 40th anniversary. I think maybe we’ll see the end-of-production of Ref10 phono, Ref10 line stage, possibly REf250se, (each of which is at or beyond typical product life-cycle anyway) to be replaced with Anniversary models of each. No way a company passes up this monumental achievement (50 years) without producing statement products.

Well put!

The local ARC agent gave me a Ref10 to audition at home. Needless to say, the result was a speedy divorce with the LS 27.

It is hard to imagine it can get better so I am very keen to see the outcome of the friendly wager between Mike and me ... ?

Seasons greetings to all.

Cape Town
South Africa

The local ARC agent gave me a Ref10 to audition at home. Needless to say, the result was a speedy divorce with the LS 27.

It is hard to imagine it can get better so I am very keen to see the outcome of the friendly wager between Mike and me ... ?

Seasons greetings to all.

Cape Town
South Africa

What was the date for the replacement we bet on?

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I owned the REF10 for several years before I purchased the MSB Select 2, which sounds better with its own preamp module. The REF10 is a tremendous sounding preamp with amazing dynamics and ease. It utilizes four 6H30 tubes per channel, two input and two output. Everything in the REF6 has trickled down from the REF10. The REF6 uses three 6H30 tubes per channel, one input and two output, as it was designed to straddle between the REF5SE and REF10. Of course, the dual mono power supplies of the REF10 really sets it apart from their other models.

So, where can they go from here? It’s difficult to improve on the REF10’s brilliant design. Perhaps higher end tubes. Another possibility is to eliminate the coupling capacitors like VAC, which would be a real departure for ARC. I hope ARC offers a tangible improvement rather than change just to put out a newer more expensive model. Time will tell.

I believe someone posted in the Ref 6SE thread that the new Ref 6SE comes very close in SQ to the Ref 10. Does anyone have any more info on the Ref 6SE? I own a Ref 6 and am thinking about having ARC do the SE upgrade.

Mike, any thoughts?

I believe someone posted in the Ref 6SE thread that the new Ref 6SE comes very close in SQ to the Ref 10. Does anyone have any more info on the Ref 6SE? I own a Ref 6 and am thinking about having ARC do the SE upgrade.

Mike, any thoughts?


Mine shipped yesterday. I’ll let you know once I get it and get some hours on it.

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Fine, a good bottle of Cape Wine for you if I am misinformed.. for three SACD's as I suspect the transport cost will be high.

Unless there is visiting forum member who can pop it in his bag...then only one SACD

We set the deadline June 2020 for Arc to show their hand.


Jozua - you got my bottle of Cape Wine picked out yet? [emoji6]


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I would not count my chickens until they have hatched... miracles do happen.

Take care


You waiting until June 30? Double or nothing and we extend until end of July?

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I'm eating a little crow here... just goes to say maybe my marketing instincts are, well, total crap.

Actually, I spoke with an ARC guy late winter here in Portland, before the ChinaVirus. He said the ARC focus would be towards their more middle-tier offerings and offered several explanations related to R&D, budgets, etc. Several reference models are end-of-life'd but no mention of replacements (yet).

It seems to me Warren has given you a heads up - and that the gods are looking favourably upon you... not even the birth of a new Ref 80 is going to be good enough for me to forgive ARC.

Let's see, miracles can still happen D-9

Take care.


It seems to me Warren has given you a heads up - and that the gods are looking favourably upon you... not even the birth of a new Ref 80 is going to be good enough for me to forgive ARC.

Let's see, miracles can still happen D-9

Take care.


Double or nothing for 7/31/20?

Psst, I doubt you’ll see anything in the world or a REF10 replacement for a year!

But I don’t know for sure. They are pretty tight lipped. Just a hunch.

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Double or nothing for 7/31/20?

Psst, I doubt you’ll see anything in the world or a REF10 replacement for a year!

But I don’t know for sure. They are pretty tight lipped. Just a hunch.

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Could be true. They don’t say peep.

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Congratulations ! I was pretty certain ARC was going to deliver - now the seeds of possible divorce papers have been sown and I waiting for the G -Essence to land on our shores.

Keep an eye on your mailbox..

Take care
