Rowland 625 S2 vs Luxman M900u? What’s better?


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Any thoughts?
Both have fine reputations (I have not heard either), but the Luxman can be upgraded to a mono configuration by adding a second M900u. This upgrade reportedly yields significant SQ improvements in addition to a 2X (4X?) increase in power.
As a former owner of the Rowland 625 (pre-S2) and currently running the Luxman M-900u I don't think there's necessarily a decisive winner in this comparison. I've also heard the 625 S2 extensively which is a significant evolutionary advance over the earlier version. Both amps are exceptional products and I think a preference is likely to come down to which is a better match to a given set of speakers as well as system synergy. I used to run Magnepan 3.7i and with them I'd give the nod to the Rowland which had greater dynamic swings and an overall effortlessness that the Luxman lacked. However I then changed to Dynaudio Contour 60 speakers and my preference shifted to the Luxman with amazing texture, harmonic integrity and overall musicality. Once you get to this level of gear I find that system matching and personal preference play a major role in determining which would be considered best.
Thank you very much gentlemen. I appreciate your thoughts.

I had and loved the C-900 preamp (still miss that one). I’m thinking about the M-900u for my non Avantgarde speakers. I think it’ll be a great match.

Plus the Luxman seems a little more flexible.
I should have noted that I also have the Luxman C-900u preamp, so there is likely some synergy in running matched amplification components which were designed to work optimally together. :heart:
I remembered that but I’m hoping that my GAT2, which is only single ended, matches well. The Rowland has only balanced inputs and I’m not crazy about adapters or some other conversion method.
had the m900u on my Haileys and wasn't enough juice - considering the 625mk2 if it has gone back to the old Rowland sound.

OT- how was the SIT-3 vs XA25 on your Avantgardes?
Hi Keith,

Hands down, for my taste and ears, the SIT-3 is the clear winner. The XA25 was good but more typical solid state sounding than I’d like. My guess is that the XA30.8 could beat the XA25 on my AG.

The SIT-3 is absolutely wonderful. Dead quiet, sweeter and warmer, mid hall perspective with awesome vocals and piano.

The SIT-1 monos were great too but a lot more energetic. Since my room is on the smaller side for the Avantgardes, to me, they felt a little too much in my face. I love a more laid back sound like the SIT-3.

Regarding the Rowland, it’s probably one of their best sounding amps and conventional Class AB.

had the m900u on my Haileys and wasn't enough juice - considering the 625mk2 if it has gone back to the old Rowland sound.

OT- how was the SIT-3 vs XA25 on your Avantgardes?
Worth pointing out that Rowland is rumored to have a new major product just around the corner. I will post details as soon as I receive them from the factory.

Regards, G.
Hi Keith,

Hands down, for my taste and ears, the SIT-3 is the clear winner. The XA25 was good but more typical solid state sounding than I’d like. My guess is that the XA30.8 could beat the XA25 on my AG.

The SIT-3 is absolutely wonderful. Dead quiet, sweeter and warmer, mid hall perspective with awesome vocals and piano.

The SIT-1 monos were great too but a lot more energetic. Since my room is on the smaller side for the Avantgardes, to me, they felt a little too much in my face. I love a more laid back sound like the SIT-3.

Regarding the Rowland, it’s probably one of their best sounding amps and conventional Class AB.

Synergy is everything at this level - thank you for your thoughts!

My eye has been on a set of Lamm hybrids if a set pops up, but maybe Rowland is worth a shot. At 600w into 4ohms, Rowland has the juice required and my system is fully balanced to begin with.

I considered the big Pass stereo amp, but it's not a great match for my preamp (input voltage requires a full active preamp).
Worth pointing out that Rowland is rumored to have a new major product just around the corner. I will post details as soon as I receive them from the factory.

Regards, G.

Are you a “brand spokesperson” for Rowland? I asked you before in your other thread about Rowland where your review would be published and never received an answer.
Hello MEP, my apologies for not responding to an earlier post of yours... The silence was not intentional.

Unfortunately I am not a Rowland brand spokesperson. On the other hand, I freely confess of being an enthusiast of many Rowland products, and I keep up with matters Rowland.

I know I had hinted in the past that I would work on a full review of the Rowland M535 bridged... M535 bridged are incredible for the price, and I posted informally about that amp, but a more formalized long-form review did not happen... I happen to suffer from Procrastinitis Furiosa, and the review fell victim to the malaise :(

Or are you talking about some other product eval that failed to materialize?

My current scribbling about the Daemon superintegrated is my first longish Rowland eval since I scribbled about M925 years ago.

Saluti, Guido
Hello MEP, my apologies for not responding to an earlier post of yours... The silence was not intentional.

Unfortunately I am not a Rowland brand spokesperson. On the other hand, I freely confess of being an enthusiast of many Rowland products, and I keep up with matters Rowland.

I know I had hinted in the past that I would work on a full review of the Rowland M535 bridged... M535 bridged are incredible for the price, and I posted informally about that amp, but a more formalized long-form review did not happen... I happen to suffer from Procrastinitis Furiosa, and the review fell victim to the malaise :(

Or are you talking about some other product eval that failed to materialize?

My current scribbling about the Daemon superintegrated is my first longish Rowland eval since I scribbled about M925 years ago.

Saluti, Guido

I'm talking about the title of your Rowland Dameon thread which implies you are reviewing Rowland gear:

"Jeff Rowland Daemon – Reviewing JRDG’s Superintegrated Statement Amplifier"

Or did you mean to say that your Dameon thread on AS is your review?
Hi Mep, now I understand... Sorry for the confusion.

My Daemon thread is the actual review in the form of a progressive diary/journal...

My original intention was to update the top post with each new journal-like entry.... Unfortunately, this turned out to be impossible, because there does not seem to be a way for me to edit/update the original post... As a result, updates to my Daemon adventure can be found only in subsequent posts of the same thread.


Guido's been a well-known, passionate Rowland owner for years, nothing more. An asset to the audiophile community and likely has much better ears than we do ;)

I've given constructive criticism at times over the years and he always has a totally legitimate response. Says a lot about his character.
I remembered that but I’m hoping that my GAT2, which is only single ended, matches well. The Rowland has only balanced inputs and I’m not crazy about adapters or some other conversion method.

Joe, I have yet to hear a SS amp that did not sound good with the GAT. It will certainly tell you what SS amp is better.
I use adaptors with my Nordost cable and no complaints with the sq - one day I will terminate it xlr, but then I will need adaptors for my tube mono's :D
Thank you so much for the reassurance. The GAT2 is wonderful and really makes the most of an amp.
Hello XV-1, you are right, the Rowland M625 S2 sports only balanced inputs. However, the factory can provide RCA2XLR adapter which they have tested not to degrade the signal... And you would still benefit from some of the noise reduction and intermodulation barrier of the device's XLR input coupling using Lundahl transformers.

Saluti, Guido
Guido's been a well-known, passionate Rowland owner for years, nothing more. An asset to the audiophile community and likely has much better ears than we do ;)

I've given constructive criticism at times over the years and he always has a totally legitimate response. Says a lot about his character.

Transparency is always a good thing. It's hard to separate audiophiles who are "passionate owners" from "Brand Ambassadors" who are being paid to share their "love" of gear from a particular manufacturer. Especially when it's crazy over the top love.
Transparency is always a good thing. It's hard to separate audiophiles who are "passionate owners" from "Brand Ambassadors" who are being paid to share their "love" of gear from a particular manufacturer. Especially when it's crazy over the top love.
I treat them all the same. Caveat Emptor!