JOB Monoblocks

Not yet...

I didnt push either as I am busy at the moment (too many little projects, and way behind on all of them). Perhaps this week or even better next week. LoL


  • Job250front.jpg
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I still can't believe how good the monoblocks sound. I never heard a solid-state amp like this, and I've heard a few in my system and room (Mark Levinson, Plinius and my own Job 225/bryston/Krell). It is so delicately detailed, fast and clear that it can rightly be compared with the very best solid-state. This is the first time I hear my PMC FACT.12's really sing.
I still can't believe how good the monoblocks sound. I never heard a solid-state amp like this, and I've heard a few in my system and room (Mark Levinson, Plinius and my own Job 225/bryston/Krell). It is so delicately detailed, fast and clear that it can rightly be compared with the very best solid-state. This is the first time I hear my PMC FACT.12's really sing.

and how does it compare to the Job225
It would be great to hear some thoughts on how the 225 and 250's differ sonically (besides power of course). I don't need the power but monoblocks typically promise better sound if all else is equal.
Based on my experience with the 225, there is no doubt in my mind that the 250 monos will be awesome.

They even have XLR inputs, yeah.

It would be great to hear some thoughts on how the 225 and 250's differ sonically (besides power of course). I don't need the power but monoblocks typically promise better sound if all else is equal.
and how does it compare to the Job225
Brand, design & logo - are the same! But the sound ....... much more delicate, more bass details and bigger soundstage. Honestly i was a bit sceptical (just two 225's with fatter transformer) but there is some kind of synergy which makes these baby's my most admired mono's.
Awesome! So glad you are happy.

Brand, design & logo - are the same! But the sound ....... much more delicate, more bass details and bigger soundstage. Honestly i was a bit sceptical (just two 225's with fatter transformer) but there is some kind of synergy which makes these baby's my most admired mono's.
Brand, design & logo - are the same! But the sound ....... much more delicate, more bass details and bigger soundstage. Honestly i was a bit sceptical (just two 225's with fatter transformer) but there is some kind of synergy which makes these baby's my most admired mono's.


I will get to hear em tommorow (barring traffic) and now you have gotten me even more expectant.
Be safe and have fun Norman. Looking forward to your opinion on the monos. I think they'll be wonderful.

I will get to hear em tommorow (barring traffic) and now you have gotten me even more expectant.
You lucky b :-) Living near the Lac Lemand and having all these companies in your backyard!

Have fun and give us your honest and balanced opinion like always.