Another big bad ass amp comes to Suncoast Audio


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL

Any guesses?

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Hint: nearly 600 pounds in the crate….

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I’ll go with Jock on this one. Constellation Hercules II Monoblocks.

Holy crap!! That thing is huge!!! I love you you had to double up on the floor sliders. LOL

It crushed the first set. Not kidding.

We need it on gliders for the moment so we can move it when the electrician comes Tuesday.

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It crushed the first set. Not kidding.

We need it on gliders for the moment so we can move it when the electrician comes Tuesday.

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220v or 240v?
220v or 240v?

It won’t turn on without 240v/30amp. Can use a standard 240v 3 pin connector, but Boulder strongly suggests we use:




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Oh, hell ya!! Not many dealers have this level of gear on hand, well done! I have often wondered about a 3060 as an upgrade from my 2150s, let us know how it sounds when you get it fired up and broken in.


Oh, hell ya!! Not many dealers have this level of gear on hand, well done! I have often wondered about a 3060 as an upgrade from my 2150s, let us know how it sounds when you get it fired up and broken in.



Will do!

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I wonder how much heat that much Class A power produces?

I cant speak for the 3060, but my 2150s don't get super hot. They are class A, but dynamically adjust the bias current to match output levels.

The differentially balanced 2150 is said to be class-A biased to its full claimed continuous power output—1000W into 8, 4, or 2 ohms—by means of a circuit that continually adjusts the bias current based on voltage output, current draw, and load. Boulder claims that this operation is performed more quickly than the speed of the audio signal itself, which means that the circuit can maintain class-A operation when confronted with a taxing musical transient, after which it gently lowers the bias until it senses another peak (footnote 1). The 2150 can thus provide the positives of full class-A operation that's free of crossover distortion, without the negatives of massive power consumption, excessive generation of heat, or, Boulder claims, the audible "steps" produced by other kinds of active bias-management systems.​

Footnote 1: Unlike an amplifier with a traditional class-A output stage, the Boulder 2150 runs relatively cool.—John Atkinson​
