Calypso/Sig Wanted


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Eastern Shore, MD
Calypso/Sig Wanted - FOUND!

I'm kind of sniffing around, and thinking of shooting one up against my Pass XP-10.

Thoughts? Got one? I see a few on the auction sites; is $2500 insulting?
I have been considering the same (I currently own a Calypso) and I think it may be difficult to buy a Calypso Signature for $2,500 based on what I have seen in the market. I think you will need to be above $3,000.
I have been considering the same (I currently own a Calypso) and I think it may be difficult to buy a Calypso Signature for $2,500 based on what I have seen in the market. I think you will need to be above $3,000.

Thanks Jim. I actually meant just a Calypso for $2500; to get a Sig for that, would be a real coup!
There is an Aesthetix Calypso for sale on Audiogon with an asking price of $2,700. I don't think $2,500 is unreasonable at all
The one listed on Agon right now (non Sig) was $2500 the other day. Looks like he raised it to $2700.

If you do end up getting to listen to one Chris, try to have some different tube sets around (12ax7 and 6922 or variants) so you can hear what it can do with the different tube types/makes.
Yeah, I'm talking to that guy. He's offered a fair price; it's a little on the old side (like 6 years).

Pull that trigger? :shooting:
I have two good buddies that both own the Callisto and Io with multiple power supplies. If you like a warm and rich sound with a very palpable 3D soundstage they are superb. Of course they are not as quiet as comparable solid state preamps, but they have their own very desirable and even 'magical' qualities. They have both required some service over the years, but the company's technical service and support is excellent. The Calypso is a more basic version than the Callisto, with a simpler circuit and integrated power supply.
I don't think they have changed much. I paid $2,400 for my used unit. As Mike says you might try a few different 12ax7 and 6dj8 tube combinations. I am currently using RCA 12ax7 and Amperex 6dj8 tubes in mine.
Yeah, I'm talking to that guy. He's offered a fair price; it's a little on the old side (like 6 years).

Pull that trigger? :shooting:

That's for you to decide, but it seems like a fair price to me.

I'm running NOS 5751 Sylvania Triple Mica Black Plate & 6dj8 Sylvania NCR tubes right now and they are smooth with beautiful midrange and just the right amount of detail for my ears. A couple of weeks ago I slapped in some NOS Tung Sol 12ax7 to compare against the 5751's. They provide more detail than the Sylvania 5751 and sound stunning at lower volumes with clarity beyond reproach but as the volume is dialed up (around 90db), they imparted a bit of fatigue to my ears due to ALL the detail presented. All in all, the Sylvania's are more my style.

I love that tube rolling with this linestage is not only simple (four tubes total with a lift off lid for the chassis) but that it's also easy to ascertain the differences between tube flavors.
Ha; I usually have a rule, about asking "should I buy this piece"...because for all I know, someone will take a shine and buy it out from under me.

Hope that's not what happened here; but's gone. :(
Ha; I usually have a rule, about asking "should I buy this piece"...because for all I know, someone will take a shine and buy it out from under me.

Hope that's not what happened here; but's gone. :(

Bummer Chris. Keep your eye out, they do appear for a good price every now and then....and they generally move quick if not over priced.
Ha; I usually have a rule, about asking "should I buy this piece"...because for all I know, someone will take a shine and buy it out from under me.

Hope that's not what happened here; but's gone. :(

I wouldn't worry about it. They show up and sometimes with better pricing as well as NOS tubes.

I have been intrigued by the Calypso looking forward to your impressions with the Pass. Especially how it's 20 db gain works with the input sensitivity of those amps.

I have been intrigued by the Calypso looking forward to your impressions with the Pass. Especially how it's 20 db gain works with the input sensitivity of those amps.

If the gain on the Calypso is too high you can reduce by moving some internal jumpers. Call or e-mail Aesthetix for specific instructions.
That's good to know as both of the amps I would use it with have Input Sensitivity of around 1v for full output and are more comfortable with lower gain. Do you know how much you can lower it?