Accuphase E480 vs E650

Well maybe because I want to have two systems, or even three or four. If that's an obstacles for you then your problem. Cheers.
Obstacle for me? No, thats cool, I was just curious, I meant no offence.
How do you think the e260 and e370 compare to each other?
After selling my E370, I really miss the Accuphase sound. I hope one day to have an Accuphase E480 or E650 amplifier again.
I can comment on the 308, 470, 480 and 800 from an actual personal viewpoint. Owning a 308 and an 800. And my neighbour have had both 470 and 480 on home audition after I bought his 308.

Starting with my neighbours old 308(now mine). A very clean sounding amp. Albeit kinda thin on the lower end with my EBEN/ADYTON X3 cabs.

My 800 fills that gap perfectly fine as of now. Same cabs with nothing else changed gives me more bass response. And more warmth.

470 vs 480 is so minute a difference in my book that it is not an upgrade I would recommend. The 180 Watt pair were listened to on Focal 936 cabs with a DP-65 as source.

308 vs 470/480 More of everything. More power, better bass response. I could go on.

For OP.
If you're more of a Jazzman than a Metalhead like me you may be better of going for a 650 or 800. I've made my 800 work with my music. I realize a 480 might have been a more suitable choice for me personally. But I was already considering a 650 instead of a 480 I had originally ordered. I got told that if I wanted the 650 I'd have to wait till October, this was in May. But if I picked the 800 there was one available for me. So 800 it was. And I don't regret it at all.
It's a chonky boi, even compared to a 480.
If you can afford the step up to an 800, do it. If a 650 is all you can afford, still worth going for. If a 480 is the ceiling budgetwise you will still get one the best integrateds on the market today.
No matter which amp you land on there are three strong contenders. But I would still say the 650 or 800 will be better suited to your chosen music genre.
I can give two different builds on my neighbours and my systems. He has chosen power, brute force. I have gone for precision and clarity. Odd choice for a metalhead, but I'm weird anyway.
Thanks for the answer, I am a jazz musician, between E650 and E480 there is not much difference in price, the E800 is much more expensive in Argentina.
There is an Accuphase distributor in Argentina, when I have the money I will listen to the 2 amplifiers, and I will make the decision.
Andikk777 , do you have the Lumin X1 ?? if you do , do you need the pre-amp section from an integrated ??
I ask you as i have Accuphase E-470 and with Lumin X1 i tried to just use the amp section of the Accuphase and let Lumin be the pre-amp and its a noticeable difference , i am not going back.
Does anyone know if it's possible to turn off the power amp section in the 480/650 if you want to use them as a preamp only? Running the 650 as a preamp would be expensive and hot if its Class A amp was powered on simultaneously.

I already have the ultra high-end Pioneer M4 Class A amp, and want to build a pass design VFET power amp, so I'm looking at the 480 as a real option for acting as a control amp with a great, efficient A/B stage for when I don't want to run the space heaters.
Welcome to the forum.

Sorry, as far as I know (having owned the 650 and loved it) there’s no way to turn off the amp section.

As much as I love the idea of being able to use the separate sections of most integrateds, it never really makes sense to me, especially for that reason of leaving the class A amp section on.
Thank you! Yeah, that's why I'm heavily considering the 480 (especially if I can find one used). It sounds like the pre-amp section of the 480 is awesome, and shouldn't draw a whole lot of power while I'm using it to drive a Class A separate.

Btw, how often does Accuphase refresh their integrateds? Seems the E480 has been around for about 3 years now?
Great question. I don’t know of any set schedule but the E-800 has already superseded the E-650. I think the E-480 is due.
As far as i know ( i have Accuphase E-470 ) you can turn of the pre-amp of and only use the amp section of the Accuphase , not the other way around. And Having Lumin X1 with its Leedh processing i have to say it is way better than the Accuphase pre-amp section in the E-470 so for now i only use the amp section of the Accuphase.
Btw, I see you have some experience with Luxman... :)

I'm curious how the L-509X would compare to the E-480...
Btw, I see you have some experience with Luxman... :)

I'm curious how the L-509X would compare to the E-480...

I’m not familiar enough with the AB accuphase gear but my Luxman (especially the 595a) gear is stunning. I’m absolutely happy with my current gear.
Andikk777 , do you have the Lumin X1 ?? if you do , do you need the pre-amp section from an integrated ??
I ask you as i have Accuphase E-470 and with Lumin X1 i tried to just use the amp section of the Accuphase and let Lumin be the pre-amp and its a noticeable difference , i am not going back.

Yes, I have the X1, but at the moment I have a tube amp (Cayin CS88A) I miss the sound of my Accuphase a lot. When I have the Accuphase I'm going to test the X1 as a preamp.
As far as i know ( i have Accuphase E-470 ) you can turn of the pre-amp of and only use the amp section of the Accuphase , not the other way around. And Having Lumin X1 with its Leedh processing i have to say it is way better than the Accuphase pre-amp section in the E-470 so for now i only use the amp section of the Accuphase.
Interesting. I would've assumed Accuphase's analog sections would be more competent. I'd be curious to hear how it compares using the X1 at fixed volume as a DAC only, into the BAL of the 470?
st1n , as far as i know you can't use Lumin X1 as a standalone DAC the Lumin X1 is a streamer with a build in DAC and in addition you get the possibility to use the Leedh processing as a pre-amp. And from what i have been reading in reviews it is highly competent. From my understanding to have a better pre-amp than the Leedh processing in Lumin X1 you need to cash out a serious amount of money. If someone here have tried that i hope they might chime in.
Is the only difference between the e-38 and 480 just output power? I know the 280 is in a smaller chassis and has more plastic (from what I've seen on Youtube). The 380 and 480 looks like it shares pretty much the same body
Is the only difference between the e-38 and 480 just output power? I know the 280 is in a smaller chassis and has more plastic (from what I've seen on Youtube). The 380 and 480 looks like it shares pretty much the same body
The 480 is marginally bigger than 380. Take a look at the product specs at