Accuphase Class A or A/B???


Apr 13, 2016
So... Im gonna dip my toe in the Accuphase pond but I really dont know which way to lean... the new A75 or a pair of M-6200 mono's. I have always owned class A/B amps and although none are created equal I have certainly owned some amazing ones.

What are current Accuphase owners thoughts???
So... Im gonna dip my toe in the Accuphase pond but I really dont know which way to lean... the new A75 or a pair of M-6200 mono's. I have always owned class A/B amps and although none are created equal I have certainly owned some amazing ones.

What are current Accuphase owners thoughts???

What speakers do you have?

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I own an Accuphase A70. It is a superb amp. Despite being class A, it does not get very hot. I use it to drive Vienna Acoustics The Music speakers, which are a moderate load. Even with 96-98 db musical peaks, I have never seen the digital display go beyond 30 watts. The bass depth and control is better than some amps rated at 250-300 watts.
So... Im gonna dip my toe in the Accuphase pond but I really dont know which way to lean... the new A75 or a pair of M-6200 mono's. I have always owned class A/B amps and although none are created equal I have certainly owned some amazing ones.

What are current Accuphase owners thoughts???
I have both A/B and A type amps. I prefer my Class A by far. Warm with plenty of power even for difficult bass driven speakers such as my Franco Serblin Ktemas. Highly recommend the Accuphase Class A amps. They don’t even get to warm.

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Me too. I have E650 with class A 30 watts. I can even go up more than 5 % of power with my speakers.
Accuphase Class A amps sound wonderful. I'm currently using an A-75 (60w @8ohm,120w @4ohm, damping factor of 1000) with Sonus faber Strads, but am seriously looking at Magico S7's
Accuphase Class A amps sound wonderful. I'm currently using an A-75 (60w @8ohm,120w @4ohm, damping factor of 1000) with Sonus faber Strads, but am seriously looking at Magico S7's

Get the pair of Avantgarde and done [emoji6]
Accuphase Class A amps sound wonderful. I'm currently using an A-75 (60w @8ohm,120w @4ohm, damping factor of 1000) with Sonus faber Strads, but am seriously looking at Magico S7's

Im thinking you will need way more power for the S7’s

The A-75, like the A-70, has more headroom than quoted. More than double the power (3dB) stated for each impedance.

The A-70 easily pumped more than 400+ Watts peak into the Gauder Akustik Berlina RC 9 speakers that have a 4-ohm nominal impedance. It is covered in this review here:

Nope.. Magico says "no problem". Besides Accuphase always rates power output very conservatively. You can basically almost double the numbers.
Check out this tech info,page five and you'll understand.

whats your room size? the thing with magico and other speakers of its sensitivity is yeah a 50watt SET (for example, i know the accuphase isn't a SET) will drive them and it can sound very nice. but you really owe it to yourself to try a big watt amp on them. maybe you won't like it BUT the magicos can eat up all the power you give them and do some stunning things with it. again different, but at this price point and pairing its worth exploring
Class A of course.
They are better. Because they heat cats more efficiently.

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And here I am keeping all my gear covered when not in use just to keep the dust off everything
Something extremely pleasant with Accuphase class A amps is the fact that they never sound harsh or agressive no matter the volume, while being extremely punchy and alive. That is something rather common with most well made class A amps, tube or solid state, but I noticed that Accuphase class A amps really sound exciting at the same time.
Velvet touch and dynamic.
I have not in home experience of Accuphase class AB amps. During hifi shows demos, they did not impress me enough to leave me with any kind of opinion about them.

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