Lightning Strikes Again, And This Time It's Blue!: The Hana Umami Blue


Feb 5, 2014
Hana Umami Blue Phono Cartridge - Equipment Report
- Lightning Strikes Again, And This Time It's Blue!

Equipment Report
by Andre Jennings

My TAS Equipment Report of the Hana Umami Red Phono Cartridge is now online here:
Hana Umami Blue Phono Cartridge - The Absolute Sound

"The Umami Blue was evaluated on three turntables (Basis Debut Vacuum, Basis 2800 Vacuum, and TW Acustic Raven 2) and two different tonearms (Basis SuperArm 9 and Graham Phantom III). The rest of the playback system revolved around the combination of components listed in the sidebar."

If you have any questions, let me know.

Andre's review is excellent IMO. Andre has a long history of reviewing Hana cartridges and is very familiar with their sound and how it compares to the high-priced spread of cartridges he owns and has reviewed. After reading Andre's review of the Hana Umami Blue, it makes me want to own one.
Great review. Blue would definitely be more of my sound (vs red).

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