Sonos Port upgrade - Wyred 4 Sound modified Sonos Port !!!

I also love my modified Sonos Connect. It’s an audiophile bargain. I’m glad Sonos finally embraced hi-rez Audio with the Port and look forward to your thoughts when you have had a chance to listen.
Will do! I’m pretty excited to hear it. I kind of thought that the modified Connect was the end. So happy that I was wrong.
My modified Sonos Port came today. All setup and playing into my DAC. I already hear an improvement from the Wyred modified Sonos Connect. It’s cleaner, clearer, quieter and more open. It’s like a foggy veil has been lifted. I’m going to let it play and break in, but I already love it more.

The Connect was really good, this is great.
@joeinid -- Still liking the modified Port? I don't see it in your signature so wondered if you prefer the Lumin.
@joeinid -- Still liking the modified Port? I don't see it in your signature so wondered if you prefer the Lumin.

Sorry for the delay in responding. I use the Modified Port more than my Lumin. Sonos is rock solid and I can stream a lot of other services easily as compared to the Lumin. It's not all hires on the Port but CD quality and down. Sounds superb.
My wife can only get by with Spotify on our Sonos units about the house. I did break down and get the W4S modified Port unit, and plug it into my DAC. Superb result, definitely less ‘veiled’ than nothing the stand alone units, and the Amp units I plugged into the various in wall speakers.

It also allows the whole house music concept to extend to my room when we have get togethers.