Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 2.0 USB


Jan 20, 2014
Bluffton SC
During the summer, I upgraded my Antipodes K50 server to the latest Kala K50 version. Among other benefits, I was told the USB output would now equal the formerly superior AES/EBU output. After a few months, I decided to test that out and inserted a 0.5 Meter WW Platinum Starlight 7 USB, reconfigured ROON to send the digital signal in a native format (AES/EBU requires the signal be sent via DOP and limited to DSD 64 or 24/192). The USB output can send up to a 32/768 and DSD512.

Enter Mike B. A short call to request a demo USB cable met with “sure, I can do that” ended with only a WW Platinum 8 USB being sent. No Omegas, No Valhallas etc. Mike spoke and I listened.

Fast forward, in less than 47 hours the WW Plat 8 USB cable arrived at my home. I let it play ‘(cook) for four days and sat down today for some critical listening. I only had my Plat 7 USB to compare until later in the day Jeff, JGLACKEN, brought his Tubulus Concentus USB over for a comparo.

Cutting to the chase, the Plat 8 killed the Plat 7 which in comparison had annoying glare from a higher noise floor. The Tubulus would be something to live with forever had I not heard the Plat 8 which showed the most spaciousness in the sound stage, the blackest background, tremendous inner detail, incredible and musical bass. It is more relaxed and musical. It touched me.

And… how many times can you purchase something that is less expensive than something it is replacing AND upgrade your sound quality?
During the summer, I upgraded my Antipodes K50 server to the latest Kala K50 version. Among other benefits, I was told the USB output would now equal the formerly superior AES/EBU output. After a few months, I decided to test that out and inserted a 0.5 Meter WW Platinum Starlight 7 USB, reconfigured ROON to send the digital signal in a native format (AES/EBU requires the signal be sent via DOP and limited to DSD 64 or 24/192). The USB output can send up to a 32/768 and DSD512.

Enter Mike B. A short call to request a de demo USB cables met with “sure” I can do that ended with only a WW Platinum 8 USB being sent. No Omegas, No Valhallas etc. Mike spoke and I listened.

Fast forward, in less than 47 hours the WW Plat 8 USB cable arrived at my home. I let it play ‘(cook) for four days and sat down today for some critical listening. I only had my Plat 7 USB to compare until later in the day Jeff, JGLACKEN, brought his Tubulus Concentus USB over for a comparo.

Cutting to the chase, the Plat 8 killed the Plat 7 which in comparison had annoying glare from a higher noise floor. The Tubulus would be something to live with forever had I not heard the Plat 8 which showed the most spaciousness in the sound stage, the blackest background, tremendous inner detail, incredible and musical bass. It is more relaxed and musical. It touched me.

And… how many times can you purchase something that is less expensive than something it is replacing AND upgrade your sound quality?

The WW is a nice cable for sure. Glad you like it and I agree it's a noticeable improvement over the version 7.
David Saltz has many patents & makes outstanding ethernet/USB cables -- have 2 Platinum 2m Starlite 8's Ethernet & a Platinum Starlight 48 2m HDMI for my router/LG OLED TV.

Best to all,

I have more tied up in WW Platinum HDMI & Ethernet cables than what the TV cost; but it is well worth it IMO. They, like other cables do make an improvement to an already great product.

Best to all,


WireWorld is the real deal. After rolling through many, the only two standouts in my own Ethernet cable wars were AQ Diamond and Plat Starlight 8. The Wireworld Ethernet made the Diamond sound a bit dull in comparison, it brought more air and punch and resolution. I didn’t believe it was possible but my ears corrected me. Same for RCA ICs, although I was never able to test against my usual favorite in that arena HiDiamond. All else - quite a few of the heavy hitters - were readily bested by the WireWorld.