Wilson Alexx V

That is the color of the XVX's at Paragon. Absolutely stunning. Their Alexx V is in Bergamont Pearl which looks much better in person than on the Wilson website.

Jim - Did you listen to it? If so, can you share your impressions?

Looks a bit like a Carmine Red of the new 992s:


Love the color.
Jim - Did you listen to it? If so, can you share your impressions?


No, I didn't take time to listen to the new Alexx's. We were just catching up and talking life and audio in general after having not seen each other for some time due to Covid. I will give them a go at some point in the near future.
I heard the Alexx V last night at Excel in Newport Beach, it was an impressive demo. Mike spun the IMPEX Patricia Barber 1-step of Cafe Blue, im not a big Barber fan but this particular pressing is exceptional. The Aleex V is def in a similar league to the Wamm Jr system set up on the opposite wall (Chronosonic XVX with double Thor subs). Even without subs the Alexx V has tight extended bass driven by BAT tube monos (160 WPC). Color me impressed.

FYI, Mike has Subsonics mated to his Chronosonic XVXs.
Is there a technical reason for the GIANT ALEXXV on the back of the speaker?. Or is it just bad taste.

thank christ my Maxx3 does not have that.
I think it’s a long-term trend, logos are getting bigger and bigger everywhere. Maybe because baby boomers are getting blurred vision?

I actually don’t mind. Some people like the sound and looks, others don’t. But what is out of the question is that there’s a lots of effort going into designing this level speakers. They’re works of art.

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I think the big logo on the back of the speakers looks good and sizing perfect , but we are all different on how things look and sound.
I’d love to hear the Alexx V in my room. The original Alexia v1 had a mid-bass bump ~70 hz of a few db, and that was very close to a multiple of my rooms’ fundamental frequency. As I improved my source what was occasionally a bit of muddiness cleared up significantly, but still certain recordings with a little emphasis, combined with the speakers’, and I would be forced to hold the volume perhaps a notch below where I would have liked to go.

When i saw the Stereophile review of the original Alexx I had to contend it wouldn’t likely be the best match in my room because the mid-bass bump was more prominent than in the Alexia, and no easier to drive. I will be curious to see how the new Alexx V measures.

Any reports on what was heard ...?

As previous version Alexx V aren't perfect choice for all silent or background listeners, because they offer full potential on normal or little higher volume level. Soundstage is impressive and scale of sound is amazing also. I love their bass - fast kicking and punchy.