New SabrinaX

thx for correcting me!

so when i was saying "matt", thats actually "satin".
and only 6 colors.

so, out of the 6 colors are alle possible in satin?

ok, i found improvements:) : (very imho)

-the color samples at the dealer:
-a little bigger
- square than round
-NOT drilling the wilson logo into it (it is killing everything while you try to transfer the color with your imagination on your upcoming speaker)
i remember years ago there was a tool on the page you could configurate every model with every color and hardware. that was soooo cool and helpful.
it is removed. i would put it back.

optic again:
the tunetots have an optional ring to cover the screws. it really turned the tunetots from ugly to great imho.
wouldnt that be a great option for the sabrina and bigger model. and some rings for the woofers as well?
i hated to pay the 700 dollars for that first and than it was top and i would love it on all models. dont know whether it has sonic affects though.

had a very great effect on the tunetots, both optically and soundwise.
would love to see that for the sabrina as well.

thats all, lol, hope you take that in a constuctive sense from my side.
thx for correcting me!

so when i was saying "matt", thats actually "satin".
and only 6 colors.

so, out of the 6 colors are alle possible in satin?

ok, i found improvements:) : (very imho)

-the color samples at the dealer:
-a little bigger
- square than round
-NOT drilling the wilson logo into it (it is killing everything while you try to transfer the color with your imagination on your upcoming speaker)
i remember years ago there was a tool on the page you could configurate every model with every color and hardware. that was soooo cool and helpful.
it is removed. i would put it back.

optic again:
the tunetots have an optional ring to cover the screws. it really turned the tunetots from ugly to great imho.
wouldnt that be a great option for the sabrina and bigger model. and some rings for the woofers as well?
i hated to pay the 700 dollars for that first and than it was top and i would love it on all models. dont know whether it has sonic affects though.

had a very great effect on the tunetots, both optically and soundwise.
would love to see that for the sabrina as well.

thats all, lol, hope you take that in a constuctive sense from my side.

Sorry for the delayed reply. I have been traveling/ on vacation and am now working remotely from the east coast (US).

Technically matte and satin are not the same. Our satin finishes are similar in sheen to what most manufacturers call matte. True matte is more difficult to finish to our standards and is always considered a custom finish. True matte is not available on SabrinaX.

It has been suggested that we consider other shapes for color samples. The round shape with the Wilson logo inset allows you to see the color from a wide variety of angles. In a perfect world, those samples would be much bigger than they are, but the size we are using seems to work for most people. I believe we now stock over 60 sample colors - all in the standard or upgrade categories. The exceptions are TuneTots and SabrinaX, where the six colors specified are what is available.

Everyone loved the color tool. We expect an updated version but I do not know when it will be rolled out.

The trim ring has been popular on TuneTots. I will relay your suggestion to make it available for other models.

The Isobase is designed to decouple the TuneTot from the shelf below it. Using it on the SabrinaX would be a disadvantage. Our Special Applications Engineering is working on a new speaker device based on experience with our larger diodes/spikes, IsoBase, and the recently released Pedestal (for component isolation NOT for speakers). No idea when we might see an actual product though.

Thanks for your suggestions and for your patience in waiting for a reply.
I saw this unboxing of the new SabrinaX speaker on youtube from Audio Excellence Canada this morning. They have a whole series of videos and look like a fun team to be around.

Adrian and his guys are multi-talented indeed. They have a long history with us. We feel quite privileged to have them as part of the Wilson Audio family.
...well, to be honest, i found the sound pretty poor. much worse than the tunetots in every parameter apart from the much bigger stage. or about 20 levels below the alexia2.
...eventually i ordered a pair in black matt.

LOL, did I read this right?
lol, yes!
no doubt the sabrina will sound excellent. it was just a very fresh pair in a poor room (big windows nearly all around) and the electronics not near the level the alexias and tunetots were connected to.
The Isobase is designed to decouple the TuneTot from the shelf below it. Using it on the SabrinaX would be a disadvantage. Our Special Applications Engineering is working on a new speaker device based on experience with our larger diodes/spikes, IsoBase, and the recently released Pedestal (for component isolation NOT for speakers). No idea when we might see an actual product though.

wow, thx a lot for the feedback on all the topics.
hopefully you had a relaxing holyday.

i am really thrilled what the color is i get eventually:)!!

very interesting that the isobase would be a disadvantage with the floorstanders. can you explain a bit more why this is?
they made the tunetots sounding perfect.
i had the pedestrals in my hands and will try them later on. nice craftmanship. there is also already a review about at some german site. very positive comments (best of all he has heard, didnt change much in the bass but middle and hights)
first impressions:

my wife likes the sabrinas!!!
"they are really not bad" she said. that means a lot as the only specification towards a new speaker was: i dont want a wilson.
previous wilson speakers were: witt, wattpuppy6, tunetots, alexia2. she prefered the focals and piegas inbetween. not for the music, it is all about the look.
actually last week i went to the shop to cancel the "black satin" and switch to "quarz satin".
i excepted a big penalty for that but the dealer told me the black ones have just arrived and he will deliver them and i will have 6 month time to change the the speaker/color for NO penalty. wow!! he will order the quarz satin and i can have a look and then decide what i will prefere. best service ever!!

the black diamond satin sabrinas are looking awesome!! the coolest speaker i know of. black satin looks calm and elegant.
it matches the the black of the amplifier perfectly (sandpolished, ral 9005)
pics come later.

the sound....EXCELLENT! only played for 24hours, so the review will be a few weeks later.
an early verdict would be that the x is just as good as your electronics. apart from the limitation down to 31hz, this speaker is perfect. the inner freeness and inner dynamic are outstanding.
A friend of mine heard Sabrina's a few days ago and was totally crazy about the sound.
He said that he cannot point out any weakness. :shocking: And this is saying a lot.

But I can, sorry, I don't like the look at all (no matter the color) :coolyeah:
first impressions:

my wife likes the sabrinas!!!
"they are really not bad" she said. that means a lot as the only specification towards a new speaker was: i dont want a wilson.
previous wilson speakers were: witt, wattpuppy6, tunetots, alexia2. she prefered the focals and piegas inbetween. not for the music, it is all about the look.
actually last week i went to the shop to cancel the "black satin" and switch to "quarz satin".
i excepted a big penalty for that but the dealer told me the black ones have just arrived and he will deliver them and i will have 6 month time to change the the speaker/color for NO penalty. wow!! he will order the quarz satin and i can have a look and then decide what i will prefere. best service ever!!

the black diamond satin sabrinas are looking awesome!! the coolest speaker i know of. black satin looks calm and elegant.
it matches the the black of the amplifier perfectly (sandpolished, ral 9005)
pics come later.

the sound....EXCELLENT! only played for 24hours, so the review will be a few weeks later.
an early verdict would be that the x is just as good as your electronics. apart from the limitation down to 31hz, this speaker is perfect. the inner freeness and inner dynamic are outstanding.

Thanks for the report! May we see some pictures of the setup?
Thanks for the report! May we see some pictures of the setup?

sorry i have to relearn how to place pictures here.
it would look quiet inclomplete at the moment anyway. i have just sold everything that i dont want to keep as endgame units.
the amp now is direct on the floor and the source has gone. (its now from the pc via headphone output with
well, the sabrina x has turned out to be my endgame speaker.
the test from soundstageaustalia is spot on.
i would call my early verdict very spot on as well. after burn in, it is just wow. i am not a reviewer nor could i describe it in my own language. 3d on a perfect level, a firework yet very easy for the brain to see. all very comfortable. and always something telling you that this sounds is just very beautiful.
plan now is to build a dedicated room, ethernet system, new source and new vibration control.
really already made the plan to the smallest detail, it is just that all together is too much at once.
however, very happy with this speakers. outstanding!!
I heard the new Sabrina X at a local dealer several weeks ago, they are nothing short of outstanding. If the "fun fund" was sufficiently flush, I think they would be here. Best I can do is keep my eyes peeled for a set of original Sabrinas on trade-in, alas.
My sabrina X
Can't describe enough how I love it's sound and look :heart:
