My cat is an audiophile !

Jerome W

Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Near Paris, France
Believe it or not, my Rex Devon cat is an audiophile and he just adores Harbeth speakers. He is currently listening to Antonio Forcione's Live recording.

Always at the sweet spot. He finds the place naturally. Incredible no ?? :



Don't tell Alan Shaw please but the very best amplifier I ever heard on my 40.1 is a 2 x20W Set of 300B XLS. Of course I cannot reach 100dB. Just "normal" listening volume.
Jerome, I have a Dalmatian dog that sits on the chair next to me when I have my system set up right.

Jerome, I have a Dalmatian dog that sits on the chair next to me when I have my system set up right.

Kev, nice boy !
The testimonies of pets listening really to music are numerous and amazing.
My cats love jazz, classical and sweet singers. But they do not like much rock apart from Elvis ! What about your dog ?
It has a different kind of machine now :)
The Singer sewing machine belonged to mother of my father. She came from a wealthy family from a small Croatian village. When Italian fascists came in 1941, they burned the village to the ground. The Singer machine is the only item the family had that survived the WW2, because they buried it in the ground to save it, before fleeing from the village.
It has a different kind of machine now :)
The Singer sewing machine belonged to mother of my father. She came from a wealthy family from a small Croatian village. When Italian fascists came in 1941, the burned the village to the ground. The Singer machine is the only item they had that survived the WW2, because they buried it in the ground to save it, before fleeing from the village.

Now thats a tough town
It has a different kind of machine now :)
The Singer sewing machine belonged to mother of my father. She came from a wealthy family from a small Croatian village. When Italian fascists came in 1941, the burned the village to the ground. The Singer machine is the only item they had that survived the WW2, because they buried it in the ground to save it, before fleeing from the village.

Wow ! What a story.
I have a very old one too. With the machine working. My wife uses it from time to time. Will show you tomorrow.
Kev, nice boy !
The testimonies of pets listening really to music are numerous and amazing.
My cats love jazz, classical and sweet singers. But they do not like much rock apart from Elvis ! What about your dog ?

He's not too particular, but, doesn't like rap or anything heavy & loves indie along with the blues. As long as there's food, he'll listen to anything :D
I had dozens of cats through my life, I have a couple of them now. I didn't notice they care about music, but my old female cat likes to watch animal TV shows with dogs and cats :)

bzr - you have Dalmatian dog, and I live in Dalmatia. :) That's southern Croatia, the homeland of Dalmatian dogs
mate, I always thought that they originated from England, thanks for that,.