VPI Avenger Ordered

:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: I highly recommend spending 5k on vinyl for the ultrasonic cleaner & stylus to bed in nicely!! :D
Vinyl is arriving almost daily...:celebrate008_2:

The table was delivered last evening. Going for a workout shortly and will begin the setup process later this morning. Should be relaxed and not in a hurry. It's been about 18 yrs since I setup a table...:exciting:
Well, the Avenger is in and being enjoyed...



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A few more, close ups...excuse the quality since these were taken with my iPad.



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:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: I highly recommend spending 5k on vinyl for the ultrasonic cleaner & stylus to bed in nicely!! :D

Unless you have plenty of spare $$, no need to buy a 5K Ultrasonic cleaner. Just buy a VPI 16.5 or Nitty Gritty 2.5 and spend the additional 4.4k on new vinyl.

And yes, I own both a vacuum RCM and KL Audio ultrasonic cleaner.
Phantastic setup. You could double-band your avenger, will result in improved dynamics. But it is expensive, will set you back another $37,- for a second VPI rubber belt.

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Unless you have plenty of spare $$, no need to buy a 5K Ultrasonic cleaner. Just buy a VPI 16.5 or Nitty Gritty 2.5 and spend the additional 4.4k on new vinyl.

And yes, I own both a vacuum RCM and KL Audio ultrasonic cleaner.
I think you have the wrong glasses on, maybe try the Cab Merlot......
Added a Symposium Ultra. Certainly made a difference!



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This is morning I changed the belt pulley on the motor to accommodate 3 belts. Below are a couple of pictures of the end result. Looks and sounds fantastic!


Thank you Mike Bovaird for your outstanding service and support!


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Mike, with your wonderful set and your experience, I would be interested to hear whether you heard any difference with the three belts vs one?

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Yes, it is better. I'm hearing a quieter table with better bass (not that it was anemic before - it wasn't) and wider stage. A no brainer given the reasonable cost of the pulley and 2 additional belts. SDS or ADS required; I already had the ADS.
Great, happy to hear. My experience was similar with the Prime.

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This is morning I changed the belt pulley on the motor to accommodate 3 belts. Below are a couple of pictures of the end result. Looks and sounds fantastic!


Thank you Mike Bovaird for your outstanding service and support!

Mike, are you paying me back?? I want that tweak badly!!
Very nice! I own a Classic Signature. Cadenza Blue Cart/ 3D arm. I have the upgrade FLU ;)

I love my table but to me the weakness is the bass. Kind of fat and bloaty at times. Not sure what you had prior to the Avenger but Mike can you elaborate a little on what sonic characteristics you now hear vs before?

I want a large soundstage/detailed and tight tight bass. Don't we all! ;)