Vivid Giya G3 Series 2

Looks fantastic. Looking at getting a Diablo 120 or 300 for my Giya G3 series 1. Eager to hear more about this combo.
Looks fantastic. Looking at getting a Diablo 120 or 300 for my Giya G3 series 1. Eager to hear more about this combo.

The combination is superb.

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They will sound great with Gryphon, Vitus, VAC, AR...what a collection you now have. I have heard them with Luxman, CAT, Ypsilon hybrids, always sound good. They also do extremely well in multichannel.
They will sound great with Gryphon, Vitus, VAC, AR...what a collection you now have. I have heard them with Luxman, CAT, Ypsilon hybrids, always sound good. They also do extremely well in multichannel.

They do.
The center channel blends in very nicely. And I have V1w's as surrounds.

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Mike....any more thoughts on the G3's after having them for a while?

They're terrific. Total disappearing act. HUGE sound from a small speaker. LOVE the looks and color too!

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It appears On a Higher Note isn't the distributor anymore. what happened/who is taking over Vivid in the US?
It appears On a Higher Note isn't the distributor anymore. what happened/who is taking over Vivid in the US?

Wow, that is surprising, does anyone know whom the new distributor is?

Correction - just saw Jack's posting above, thanks! ^^^
Well well well look whose made a come back to Suncoast audio:congrats: Those vivids sound very good with Gryphon, smooth yet detailed. Now you selling MIT cables as well? I don't see it listed in product category. Have you done comparison between MIT and Shunyata cables in the same system? What were your thoughts on it?

Yes, they sorted out the US Distributor situation and we are back. Was never a problem with the speaker! We technically still sell MIT, but we are moving to focus our cable efforts on Shunyata, AQ and WW. There are some concerns about the longevity of MIT.

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