very quiet.....


New member
Apr 8, 2013
New York, New York
The normally busy Vitus section seems to be very quiet lately.... I suppose everyone is waiting for the mysterious SIA-030.....
My dealer said that the SIA-030 is slanted for Munich 2019 release.
The normally busy Vitus section seems to be very quiet lately.... I suppose everyone is waiting for the mysterious SIA-030.....

The RI101 is worthwhile a listening for those who do not have the funding for sia-025. It is very good: the power and rythm of the RI100 with a lot of subtlety and timbre. It is warmer than my Karan. It is not as good as a very good class A amp but better than a lot of amp which are more expensive. Few reviews on the net, overall I agree with them.
Thank you benito! All the reviews and the dealers say that the RI-101 is much improved compared to the old model, and much closer to the SIA-025. I wish more users share their first hand impressions.