
Yes, but was it for 2017? Siltech
Did you get it since it seems that you have sold yours 25?

I am new on this forum and interested on vitus gears. I have listened recently SS-103 on Magico S5 with Wadax CD system and a Robert Koda pre. Very impressive system a lot of detail, transparency, slam, great control on the bass and liquid high but I found that the groove was missing. Important to say, I am analog person (turntable and tuner).

I want to downside my system at least on number of box and cables, so my interest on vitus integrated amplifier with phono stage.
RI100 has a phono board option (I did not found any informations on it).
Will SIA-030 have a phono board option ?
SIA-30 can be ordered with optional dac. No mention of phono.
too bad.

I found some stuff in the forum posted by Mike
The total gain is about 65dB and hence handles MC - however not recommended
for outputs below 450-500uV.
Load is not selectable - and needs to be specified at order. The load can be
changed - but by changing a resistor physical on the modules.
That was regarding the RI-100. If you want a world class integrated with DAC and Phonostage, consider the Gryphon Diablo 300.
If you want a world class integrated with DAC and Phonostage, consider the Gryphon Diablo 300.
The diablo 300 is on my short list as well as the DartZeel 8550.
I was looking to the spec: The diablo 300 idle power consumption is too high (200W) so working it is more. My wife listens the radio in summer time at least 10 hours the day and where I live, summer time is hot and humid. I try to avoid this kind of amp.
The diablo 300 is on my short list as well as the DartZeel 8550.
I was looking to the spec: The diablo 300 idle power consumption is too high (200W) so working it is more. My wife listens the radio in summer time at least 10 hours the day and where I live, summer time is hot and humid. I try to avoid this kind of amp.

And Vitus Class A integrated would be better in terms of power consumption? [emoji848]
Idle Power Consumption On Vitus SIA-025 MKll is 162 WATTS. Some people on this forum may not like this, but the sonic musicality of Vitus SIA-025, blow Gryphon 300 away. Not
even close. The 300 can be compared to amps up to 16k. You should compare the Vitus SIA-025, to amps up to 45K. I own both, Vitus easily wins. My companion here is only with the integrated amps. It is what it is. SILTECH
Get the amp you want to use and then get your wife a more efficient design integrated to play all day. There are several "half-width" Class D Integrateds like the W4S mInt or the Nuprime IDA-8 along with things like the Rega Brio. Your VS speakers are efficient enough that not that much power is needed to listen to the radio. If you are using a streamer for internet radio just using different outputs for each amp.
Jack, that's excellent adise. I totally agree. Maybe a class AB amp, not too high biased. Say around 150/ch, idle consumption around 90 watts. Class AB, will probably sound better than D, and not much heat generated. Siltech

His listed speakers are 88db and supposedly a fairly easy load which is why I proposed the smaller form factor amps that not only put out little to no heat but use little current. In all but the largest rooms the 100 wpc of the W4S and the Nuprime should be more than enough as would the 50 wpc of the Brio. Plus we don't know how critical of listener the wife is during this time or if this is just background music for other activities. I have one of the Nuprime integrateds and I had it in a 24x28x10 room with 89 db floorstanders for a while and it could hit mid 90's db levels without breaking a sweat and the W4S should do the same. Nothing wrong with the sound of either and the reviewers have been "gushing" over the Brio for years so it must be acceptable.
Get the amp you want to use and then get your wife a more efficient design integrated to play all day. There are several "half-width" Class D Integrateds like the W4S mInt or the Nuprime IDA-8 along with things like the Rega Brio. Your VS speakers are efficient enough that not that much power is needed to listen to the radio. If you are using a streamer for internet radio just using different outputs for each amp.
Downsizing my friend, otherwise I will keep my Karan combo especially the amp that it is seldomly seen of the second hand market and the phono stage of the preamp is awesome.
His listed speakers are 88db and supposedly a fairly easy load which is why I proposed the smaller form factor amps that not only put out little to no heat but use little current. .
yes my speakers are 88dB on 4 Ohm, not a difficult load but I have a very large room (over 300 cube meters or 10,000 cubic feet). That is one reason of my 300 Watt amp.

Plus we don't know how critical of listener the wife is during this time or if this is just background music for other activities.
easily listening or even background noise.

I will be surprised that Vitus proposes a DAC board on SIA-030 without the possibility of phono stage as for the RI100. By the way, someone has tested the phono stage of the RI100 (I do not listen any numerical stuffs, no cd player on my system).
Idle Power Consumption On Vitus SIA-025 MKll is 162 WATTS. Some people on this forum may not like this, but the sonic musicality of Vitus SIA-025, blow Gryphon 300 away. Not
even close. The 300 can be compared to amps up to 16k. You should compare the Vitus SIA-025, to amps up to 45K. I own both, Vitus easily wins. My companion here is only with the integrated amps. It is what it is. SILTECH

There's always one guy. I guess it's just how the universe is.
Would 100 wpc at 8 ohms and more at 4 ohms be enough for "background" listening. My room that the Nuprime was used in was over 6500 cubic feet and I stretched it out. It would have done "background" listening at a quarter volume.