
at some pricepoint there is no more integrated to compare:)

a diablo300 for about 15k....imho not possible any separates for that money will come close.
consider also the extra power cord, interconect and rack.
the sia30 for 30k, same story, no separates will do as good for the money.
that said, lol, i never heard neither the diablo nor the sia.

it is true that many highend integrated are more of a power amp with a reduced pre inside, still, cashrelativ they are not to beat.

I understand the economics. We weren't discussing the $16K Diablo 300. We were discussing the $40K SIA-030's price point (Part-Time Audiophile). You have your opinion. I have mine. I think I can do better for less. I only mentioned my Diablo as a proof point that I have nothing against integrateds.
so your opinion is you beat the 40k sia integrated with separates which cost less than 40k? (considering also the extra costs like more of cables racks footers etc to some degree)

if we leave taste aside and assume an overall quality, what is your opinion based on?
sia30 is overpriced or vitus in any case can be beat or 40k is generally to much?
or at the pricelevel of 40k separates do generally outperform integrates (some kind of a level a integrated cant reach)

not fighting with you, really just trying to get the perspective
I would look first at the Luxman M-900u and C-900u ($30K total). Excellent additional PC and IC for less than $5K. There may be others. I might choose an amp and a pre from different manufacturers.
The law of diminishing marginal utility. How "much" better is the SIA-030 than the T+A PA3100HV, or even the new Accuphase?? Is there 15-25K worth of extra "value"??? Or even the SIA-025??!!
In my opinion, Vitus pricing strategy on the SIA-30 is wrong. It is hard to justify charging more than twice of what the Gryphon and T+A integrateds cost. I do not see it selling well (especially with the hard economic times that await us)

The law of diminishing marginal utility. How "much" better is the SIA-030 than the T+A PA3100HV, or even the new Accuphase?? Is there 15-25K worth of extra "value"??? Or even the SIA-025??!!
In my opinion, Vitus pricing strategy on the SIA-30 is wrong. It is hard to justify charging more than twice of what the Gryphon and T+A integrateds cost. I do not see it selling well (especially with the hard economic times that await us)

The law of diminishing marginal utility. How "much" better is the SIA-030 than the T+A PA3100HV, or even the new Accuphase?? Is there 15-25K worth of extra "value"??? Or even the SIA-025??!!
Just curious why the SIA-30 is being compared to the Diablo 300. The competitor to the Diablo 300 is the RI-101 not the SIA-30. I demoed both the Diablo 300, extensively, and the RI-101 and ending up buying the RI-101. Both awesome amps, the Vitus has a level of organic quality I have never heard in any other amp. Everything is personal preference, both have their benefits. From a pricing perspective the Diablo 300 and the RI-101 are pretty much on par, and specs similar. Though Vitus went down the streaming approach vs. the Diablo's DAC.

More importantly I don't understand how anyone can say the value in something without having heard it. The SIA-30 is fantastic integrated, whether it's worth the money is up to the buyer and their preference. Gryphon stopped at the Diablo 300 in their line of integrateds, Vitus continued into their higher lines. Vitus has a Masterpiece integrated which is even more ridiculously from a sounding and pricing perspective. Gryphon has just as expensive separates as Vitus, just want to make sure everyone is comparing apples-to-apples. :)

Heard the Luxman 900u combo as well, very different sound, something to compare with for sure. All of these amp have different sound characteristics, it's totally a matter of preference.
Hello eziggy, I had an RI-100 way back and liked it very much. I can imagine your RI-101 is quite nice. I don't think anyone is judging the sound characteristics of the SIA-030. The question here is, is it worth $15K more than the SIA-025?? Especially when there are gently used SIA-025's for sale at $12Kish. It is the added value question. Is the SIA-030 WORTH $28K MORE than a used SIA-025? Is it WORTH twice as much as my T+A PA3100HV?? No way.. You can buy a nice pair of speakers for $28K. I suppose you didn't think it was worth $20Kish more than your RI-101 for example... In my opinion, and as in many cases, Vitus is a very fine manufacturer, but a very poor marketer.... The brand never got "traction" in the U.S., this is simply going to get worse... A fine product, but a horrible salesperson....
Hi Penthouse-D! I was just saying until one hears the amps side by side it’s hard to tell if it’s worth the difference. From what I know there is a lot more enhancements in addition to being way more powerful than the SIA-25. But you are right, $28K gets you a lot of additional gear. I am pretty sure the SIA-30 is geared towards people who that extra $28K won’t be a deal breaker and much more expensive speakers and components to pair with.
In my opinion, Vitus pricing strategy on the SIA-30 is wrong. It is hard to justify charging more than twice of what the Gryphon and T+A integrateds cost. I do not see it selling well (especially with the hard economic times that await us)
well, what would be the right pricing strategy? comparing the inside of the sia30 vs the t+a or gryphon does clearly justify a double price.
not long ago the sia25 for 25k was the most prised amp at audioshark. "heaven" it was called. for thouse who seek more, i think the sia30 does offer a lot more and is worth the more money. (not comparing 2nd hand prices).
i do see the high price tag but a cant see fantasy price here.
well, what would be the right pricing strategy? comparing the inside of the sia30 vs the t+a or gryphon does clearly justify a double price.
not long ago the sia25 for 25k was the most prised amp at audioshark. "heaven" it was called. for thouse who seek more, i think the sia30 does offer a lot more and is worth the more money. (not comparing 2nd hand prices).
i do see the high price tag but a cant see fantasy price here.

Are you comparing the sia-30 against the t+a and gryphon based on specs? How do they match up?

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The right price would be whatever the market is willing to pay. I personally like Vitus but I would never buy it at its MSRP in the US -- the resale value is terrible. With their lack of penetration in the US market, I do not see too many people willing to buy it at $40,000. The SIA25 might have been in demand but only at used prices ~ $12500.
I would have priced the SIA30 at no more than $30,000. We shall see if it sells well at this price -- I hope it does but merely my hope is not going to drive sales. I strongly suspect many audiophiles have or will be tightening their belts in this economy.

well, what would be the right pricing strategy? comparing the inside of the sia30 vs the t+a or gryphon does clearly justify a double price.
not long ago the sia25 for 25k was the most prised amp at audioshark. "heaven" it was called. for thouse who seek more, i think the sia30 does offer a lot more and is worth the more money. (not comparing 2nd hand prices).
i do see the high price tag but a cant see fantasy price here.
Are you comparing the sia-30 against the t+a and gryphon based on specs? How do they match up?

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comparing the sheer amount of parts inside the units and the architecture. the vitus to me is another animal.
The right price would be whatever the market is willing to pay. I personally like Vitus but I would never buy it at its MSRP in the US -- the resale value is terrible. With their lack of penetration in the US market, I do not see too many people willing to buy it at $40,000. The SIA25 might have been in demand but only at used prices ~ $12500.
I would have priced the SIA30 at no more than $30,000. We shall see if it sells well at this price -- I hope it does but merely my hope is not going to drive sales. I strongly suspect many audiophiles have or will be tightening their belts in this economy.

30k sounds much better i agree. however crises came after the release.
interessting to see if now any manufacture will go down or dealer will make bigger discounts.
comparing the sheer amount of parts inside the units and the architecture. the vitus to me is another animal.

Between the SIA-25 and the SIA-30, I recently heard an interview where they were discussing the challenge of taking the power system for their massive Masterpiece 4 piece mono blocks and squeezing into the SIA-30. Probably the reason why it's driving up the cost.

As apdoc2004 said, the market will definitely be the judge of the pricing. Seems like a popular amp in some circles. I have gotten to know the distributor and dig his style and approach. To me it seems there is chance to eventually get a better following in the US but time will tell.

The way I see it is, they have 4 different integrates across their 3 lines at $15K, $25K, $40K, and a ridiculous priced Masterpiece integrated that is as big as their monoblocks. People can pick their budget and see if they like the sound or go with others with different sound signatures.
very interesting, thx.
didnt know about the masterpiece integrated before.

yes, market presence is quiet low as far as i can see....sia30 was on my small short list but couldnt find a dealer in my country.
Responding... The prices were simply suggestions...eziggy.... Are you in LA? I believe the distributor is in Santa Monica. I'm also in Santa Monica...