Hans Ole Vitus to step down as CEO of Vitus

This is probably a good thing. Maybe getting fresh blood in the line will do some good.
It takes much more than technical ability to run a successful business. Sounds as if the founder decided to let others run the company while he dedicates himself to technical and R&D duties. I get that. Many business founders are visionaries that much prefer to have others run the day-to-day operations of the business. However, putting two 20-some year olds in charge of running the company? I am not sure that this is a good strategy, but time will tell. I wish them lots of luck!
probably the best thing for the brand from most accounts. seemed like the SIA 25 got a lot of buzz, but nothing since.
The SIA-030 has got quite a few rave reviews since its launch in 2019. I guess it is time for Vitus to update the Masterpiece MP-S201 or Signature SS-103 power amplifiers.