Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Isolation

I'm using Stillpoints Ultra 5's on my speakers and they changed the presentation of sound, which required alterations to the setup of my speakers. But, it was a definite improvement. I definitely wouldn't say the sound got more lush. The sound spread out and got thinner in my system. But adjusting the speakers for this wound up being an improvement in focus and tone. I had upgraded from Stillpoints Ultra SS.
My floor is hardwood and not particularly sturdy or even. I'm not sure that Stillpoints are the best choice for my floor, but I did get an noticeable improvement from them.

I have threaded inserts for my speakers on the way to audition the Gaia I footers on my speakers to see what they bring to the table (or the floor).
I'll let post my comparisons versus the Stillpoints Ultra 5 after the inserts arrive and I spend some time listening and adjusting my speakers if needed.

What speakers and what type of flooring?

At the time I tried the Stillpoints I had some Legacy Focus SE speakers. Tried them on both concrete and carpet. As I recall, the sound seemed to lack some dimensionality on both surfaces.
At the time I tried the Stillpoints I had some Legacy Focus SE speakers. Tried them on both concrete and carpet. As I recall, the sound seemed to lack some dimensionality on both surfaces.

Hi I am thinking of buying a set of the Gaia 1 for my 4365. May I ask what is the thread size of your 4367 ? I am not sure if the thread size of the 4365 and 4367 is similar, I believe the Gaia 1 comes with 3 different sizes of screws? which one did you use on your JBL?

Hi I am thinking of buying a set of the Gaia 1 for my 4365. May I ask what is the thread size of your 4367 ? I am not sure if the thread size of the 4365 and 4367 is similar, I believe the Gaia 1 comes with 3 different sizes of screws? which one did you use on your JBL?


I'm sorry, I honestly don't know for certain the exact thread size...only that one the sizes of adapters in the kit was the exact size for the 4367s. (For some reason I 'm thinking M12, but this could be wrong.)

You would probably need to check with JBL to find out the exact thread size for your 4365s.
I'm sorry, I honestly don't know for certain the exact thread size...only that one the sizes of adapters in the kit was the exact size for the 4367s. (For some reason I 'm thinking M12, but this could be wrong.)

You would probably need to check with JBL to find out the exact thread size for your 4365s.

Thanks, I think you could be right on the M12 thread size.

JBL informed me the thread size is 1/4'' - 20, but I found them to be small. Even the M8 is too small for the 4365. I believe, 4365 and 4367 shares the same footer size, i.e. M12. Can you look into your unused threads that came with the Gaia 1 package? if only the "smaller" thread screws remains, that M12 is the one underneath your 4367 now
Thanks, I think you could be right on the M12 thread size.

JBL informed me the thread size is 1/4'' - 20, but I found them to be small. Even the M8 is too small for the 4365. I believe, 4365 and 4367 shares the same footer size, i.e. M12. Can you look into your unused threads that came with the Gaia 1 package? if only the "smaller" thread screws remains, that M12 is the one underneath your 4367 now

I am using the largest of the supplied three sets of adapters. According to the Gaia product infomation sheet this would in fact be the M12 thread size.
I am using the largest of the supplied three sets of adapters. According to the Gaia product infomation sheet this would in fact be the M12 thread size.

Many thanks for the information, I shall proceed to buy the footers
Isoacoustics Orea footers under any gear it woks so good specially my holo spring 3 DAC and Allnic H3000 phonostage. It was so dramatically almost kind of upgrade cables or power conditioner.
Hi All,

While this article began as a quest of sort for digital cables, my last two post says it all:

These footers to me made me realize only a few more items are needed in my system, at which point I not longer feel the need to pursue slight tonal shadings of this or that newest greatest gear, but instead makes me more forced upon my music collection, and only adding more to it.

While my system isn't as costly as some of the ones here, I've taken all of 9 years in gaining insight into how to voice it via Cables or tweaks to suit " my ears | senses " in such a manner, I simply have come to realize my quest has indeed reached its end......., as it's good enough for me.

Be well,
Try the less expensive AV Room Service EVP footers. Jim Smith of Get Better Sound reported a significant improvement, primarily with his subs but also speakers and other components.

There is a review at Positive Feedback (i don't have enough posts to provide the link).
Bumping an old thread.

I am using the Gaia ii in my setup and just like most reviews have stated, the change is immediate. I did always think to myself from day one with just an amp, my setup sounded veiled and still somewhat muddy (but cant say i didnt like the extra oomph) only since i had to turn up the volume to break thru it. Along the way, i did so many little things to remove veiling amongst other things...(always had a volume bias to the right side so my stage always veered towards that direction forcing me to keep moving my head to find the middle - very annoying.

The Gaia ii helped since my speakers were on the stock rubber feet sitting on wood floors. I get the concept of a ‘floating’ speaker and to my ears, this is what i am hearing over not having the gaia ii. I can start to appreciate the enclosure and how solid it is. My 702s are not the end all by any means...but most of the R&D for many speakers come at the cost of the enclosure.

To mr peabody’s point though...a lot of these ‘solutions’ to making your system sound better does gravitate to sound like they’re affecting the phase. When I changed my power cord, it did just that, sounded so wide and three dimensional but it almost seems like the crossovers were raised to 160Mhz and i would lose all bottom end - wasn’t to my liking.

I do like what the gaia ii is doing to my system overall. They are staying. The fact that it isn’t part of the electronic/photon chain refrains me from thinking i didnt spend enough to get the most sound (Gaia ii are not cheap!).
I have Gaia II for my Paradigm S6 and they are impressive.. very good and great improvement.

I´ve discovered them for my friend Andyk who use Gaia I in his Proac speakers with very good results too.


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Fer1000, curious why you would have granite slabs underneath the speakers while using the IsoAcoustics on the speakers as well. Would the IsoAcoustics not be sufficient for some level of isolation from the hardwood floor already?
Grubble the Isoacoustics are sufficient enough...

I´ve just included the granite because it makes them more beautifull more imponent in the general picture let say.