Experience with Stillpoints Ultra SS Mini's


New member
Apr 7, 2018
Got two sets of 4 intending to use these under my monitors, on top of a slab of granite.

Tried them there and noticed that things sounded thinner, less fleshed out and anemic bass, and I'd lost some soundstage in all directions, including instrument separation. Compared to the IsoAcoustics Aperta's they were intended to replace.

So, Aperata's went back and things went back to normal.

I moved the Stillpoints to under my DAC and under my Lumin U1, and things seemed a bit better, but if so just slightly. Not sure I could blindly a/b tell the difference.
Got two sets of 4 intending to use these under my monitors, on top of a slab of granite.

Tried them there and noticed that things sounded thinner, less fleshed out and anemic bass, and I'd lost some soundstage in all directions, including instrument separation. Compared to the IsoAcoustics Aperta's they were intended to replace.

So, Aperata's went back and things went back to normal.

I moved the Stillpoints to under my DAC and under my Lumin U1, and things seemed a bit better, but if so just slightly. Not sure I could blindly a/b tell the difference.

Mini's should be used under lighter electronics, Ultra SS, or 5's under speakers. If your budget allows, Ultra 6's under heavy electronics. When placed under everything as I do, their splendid effect is just multiplied.
MtnHam recommendations are solid - Mini’s work better on Dacs and Transports.

I noticed they work best when positioned under Transformers, Power Supplies, Transports and such. If you go that route they will not line up like the OEM feet and will look off center depending on the maker of the equipment. Under speakers, Ultra SS with Bases are much better and 5’s even more so.

I have only read good things about the Iso’s, just never listened to them.

Let us know if this helps at all.