New amp, couple of pics....


Sorry for going off topic.

Joe, are you one of the people who has done some comparisons with the spatial and pure audio project. I have the tree of 15 and Trio 10 pure audio project. I believe I'm having some issues with my amps and I've been looking for something new. From what you're saying this amp works extremely well with an open baffle design. Is there any chance you have tried other single-ended amps that you like. Something more in the four to $5,000 range

I'm sorry, I have not listened to the Spatials or Pure Audio Project speakers. I've been reading and looking at them for a while. I know Jack has Spatials and Mike had early Spatials. I know Jack loves his.

I am just getting into SET now. I have Avantgarde Duo XD on order and it should be a few more days. Many years ago I had George Wright 2A3 amps and loved them but only had bookshelf Klipsch at the time. They were/are over-rated in the sensitivity department and those amps were barely enough at the time.

I've heard a limited few SET amps since them and just recently jumped in with the Luxman MQ-300. Sadly over that budget limit.

I fell in love with Bastanis speakers driven by Whammerdyne.

This exact setup in fact.

I would reach out to Doug Schroeder about compatible amps as he has assembled and reviewed multiple versions of them. I found with two versions of the Spatial's that the efficiency specs are a bit misleading as they are from 200hz and up.
Coming from you Kev, I'll take that as a compliment. I know you are not as precious as some :P

What is the new incoming mothership? Those horns from the show?

No, not those horns....... ;)
This is really special Joe. Even the distributor is so jealous I bought it because he has to wait for another one. The Soulution 511 is sitting next to it & that is all its doing....

Heading over to Big Kev's tomorrow for a listen...
May have bring my Darts home seeing Big Kev has abandoned them....
They have been cast aside for his latest dalliance...
Seems he can't take his eyes off those big orbs...:D:D
They're on the back lawn... the neighbor said no way I'm not buying that shit, look at the colour of it!!
They're on the back lawn... the neighbor said no way I'm not buying that shit, look at the colour of it!!

Looking forward to tomorrow...
Diana Vs Esoteric A03...two class A's go head to head...tubes Vs BJT's....
Diana Vs Dartzeel...two very different but innovative amps go head to head...
For those about to Rock....
Congratz on the new amp. I have become enthralled with SET recently. There is just something about the sound that sucks you in :)... Such absolute separation, rich smooth sounding... all instruments just seem to be there... one thing I love is that I feel I can hear not only the instrument, but can tell what type of material is being used... I can tell that the performer is using a very special piano, for example... loving SET at this point... plenty of power for my KEFs!

And my SET amps are not even in the same world as yours... so I can only imagine the sound coming from your new amp!!!

Just seen this update. Congrats on the Aries Cerat amp. What a beast. A 60W SET.

Are spare tubes difficult to source? I know those big guys are not exactly mainstream.

Does it party in the bass department or this more of a midrange epiphany?

And does this mean you have plans to change out your loudspeakers too?

At least I can now see the reason for having such a solid rack. Future planning. Clever bugger! :D
I've once heard a Aries Cerat amp. If I remember correctly it was an integrated amp. Also using Aries Cerat DAC driving stenheim alumine 2 speakers. One of the best sounding distributors at the show.

But the distributor didn't not expect to sell any Aries Cerat amps or Stenheim speakers in Western Europe because of the price and the size.
I would of thought a good match.
The Aries cerat for the performance is quite reasonably priced imo

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Just seen this update. Congrats on the Aries Cerat amp. What a beast. A 60W SET.

Are spare tubes difficult to source? I know those big guys are not exactly mainstream.

Does it party in the bass department or this more of a midrange epiphany?

And does this mean you have plans to change out your loudspeakers too?

At least I can now see the reason for having such a solid rack. Future planning. Clever bugger! :D

hey Ralph, mate the thing can do everything. It's got the bass/treble/mids, it is to be honest, one of the best I've had the pleasure with...
Seriously?? So this amp is 33kAud when I bought it, how much was your porsche???? Don't be shy now!!
I thought my 3 year old lease returned Porsche Cayman S with PDK and leather was a good deal too, and cost less. 
I spent $47k USA out the door with 2 years Porsche warranty. Bought it from a dealer.
I am envious of your amp. I do love music. The car is really my wife's daily driver. I have the Mercedes ML550.