VAC Signature iQ200

My VAC Renaissance phono stage uses a fuse holder with a spare, so I'd expect the same on 200iQ's. I actually had to use the spare when a fuse blew after 7 months, and then blew again a few months later (only an issue on power-up). After consulting with Kevin, I bought replacement fuses at a higher rating - 3A vs. 2.5A. It's been flawless ever since. I reckon a hot voltage from the outlets around here (~ 125V) might have something to do with it.

I'm at least somewhat interested in the Synergistic Research fuses, but haven't gone for any yet.
In the meantime I received a response from Kevin, wherein he indicates that it can make a difference, but he also attached a picture of a fuse that was still conducting current whereas it should have not. It melted, but was still conducting.

It was not clear which brand of fuse it was, but I decided to keep things as they currently are.
They are going crazy over the VAC Statements on WTB. Some people love them. Some hate the mere concept of tubes. Has to be SS. I have been using a SET 845 amp for a while now. I miss some of what the KT PP sound presents. The SET is better with giving a true picture of instruments and vocals in the midband. It is more realistic. The KT PP gives better bass. Its complete and hits you like a kick drum would. Not just a poof and tone. I think the top end shimmer of say rivets in a crash are more pronounced in my PP amps. Not fully sure. I would have to reinsert them to tell.

VAC has always been interesting to me. I have a demo Phi 160 for a short while. I though it to be a bit dry and unemotional. No obvious flaws. But it did not take me anywhere. I may have to listen to a signature one day.
Hope everything one is staying safe and healthy! I've few questions. It'd be really helpful if anyone can provide some insight.

- How hot the 200IQ gets? I live in an smallish apartment in NYC. So excess heat is an issue in the summer. I'm planning to use 170IQ but can infer from 200IQ feedback here.
- How much more power is achieved by swapping out the KT88 with KT120 or KT150?
- My speaker is 84 dB Joseph Audio Perspective 2. It has a very easy impedance load that stays between 6-8 ohm. Any idea if VAC 170IQ is adequate for the Joseph? I do not need to play loud, 85-90 db loud MAX but mostly below 80/85 db. But I'm not sure if a low sensitive speaker still needs power to come alive even if you are not intending to play loud.
Hope everything one is staying safe and healthy! I've few questions. It'd be really helpful if anyone can provide some insight.

- How hot the 200IQ gets? I live in an smallish apartment in NYC. So excess heat is an issue in the summer. I'm planning to use 170IQ but can infer from 200IQ feedback here.
- How much more power is achieved by swapping out the KT88 with KT120 or KT150?
- My speaker is 86 dB Joseph Audio Perspective 2. It has a very easy impedance load that stays between 6-8 ohm. Any idea if VAC 170IQ is adequate for the Joseph? I do not need to play loud, 85-90 db loud MAX but mostly below 80/85 db. But I'm not sure if a low sensitive speaker still needs power to come alive even if you are not intending to play loud.

1. It really isn’t too bad for heat - especially just one. You should be fine.
2. Really no more power by swapping tubes.
3. You shouldn’t have a challenge driving them with the 170 or 200.
My IQ200 is in an east facing 11x14 room here in St Petersburg,Florida. It does get warmish during summer months but my overhead fan keeps me cool enough to not notice much. It’s my favorite piece of equipment and it’s a level above the excellent iq170 that I also auditioned which is the piece that made me fall in love with Vac tube gear. I also auditioned an Arc combo which to my ears didn’t have as relaxed of a sound as the iq170. The Mágicos I drive are also 86db and I never have had a ran out of juice problem.
So this weekend I went back to trying the original Gold Lion KT88 in my 200 iQ monos (having run Tung Sol KT120 for a long time) and have to say I really really enjoyed it. This may very well be the preference going forward. My monos are probably finally fully burned in now, since receiving them 6 months ago (I don’t do burn in other than my listening), plus other slight system tweaks, so maybe that had something to do with it. But also I tried KT150 again and have to say those are still just awful in my system. Dark and dead up top. Not even close to the KT88 and KT120 here.

In general I’m still super impressed by these amps. I tried my old Rogue Apollo Darks again too, and there’s just no comparison. The VACs are worth the high chunk of money!
So this weekend I went back to trying the original Gold Lion KT88 in my 200 iQ monos (having run Tung Sol KT120 for a long time) and have to say I really really enjoyed it. This may very well be the preference going forward. My monos are probably finally fully burned in now, since receiving them 6 months ago (I don’t do burn in other than my listening), plus other slight system tweaks, so maybe that had something to do with it. But also I tried KT150 again and have to say those are still just awful in my system. Dark and dead up top. Not even close to the KT88 and KT120 here.

In general I’m still super impressed by these amps. I tried my old Rogue Apollo Darks again too, and there’s just no comparison. The VACs are worth the high chunk of money!

Not surprised you went back to the stock tubes. They are really good. Only my 1960’s GoldLion KT88’s beat them.

No surprise on the Rogue either. The VAC is just top stuff. I love watching them being made. Serious hand made workmanship. When they’re putting together a Statement piece (takes MANY months), I just watch the progress in awe. Love the point to point wiring.

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Just in case you still haven’t tried fuse upgrade with 200 IQ yet. I recently purchased a 200 IQ and replaced the stock fuse with a Synergistic Research Orange fuse. This was the second SR Orange fuse I installed in my system. The previous once was installed on my Lampizator Golden Gate DAC. My experience with the SR Orange fuse has been consistent. Darker back ground, deeper soundstage, better instrument separation, and better frequency extension for both high and low. Definitely one of the best bang for the buck upgrades.

The Orange fuses do a great job. Thank you for your thoughts.
Joe, Are the Orange fuses slow blow? There is very little information on the Synergistic Audio website.

I honestly don’t know. Anytime I’ve gotten one, the manufacturer offered it as part of the upgrade. I never bothered to check.
Would you say though a blue fuse would be better than an orange one when playing anything by BB King and Muddy Waters? :scholar:

I’m still cranking Kt-150s in mine but occasionally I put in the Golden Lion KT88S.
I would still like to get a quad of KR KT88´s at a great price from someone! :rolleyes:
The Orange fuse I bought for my 200IQ was ‘small, slow blow, 5A’. I asked Kevin Hayes for the spec before the purchase to be safe.
SO - how many of us 200iQ owners are already considering an upgrade to a new Master 300 (me for one)? :lol:
I can't swing 2 Masters. But I've been told a single 300 should readily dispatch a pair of 200iQ's. And I guess the other alternative would be to pray for a used Statement 450S iQ to drop from the sky? Also wondering how an older Statement 450S non-iQ would compare to a Master 300.

Incidentally, I finally tried a single stereo 200iQ to see how much sound quality drop-off that represents (currently running a Master preamp). Yikes! The 2nd one went back in VERY quickly...
SO - how many of us 200iQ owners are already considering an upgrade to a new Master 300 (me for one)? :lol:
I can't swing 2 Masters. But I've been told a single 300 should readily dispatch a pair of 200iQ's. And I guess the other alternative would be to pray for a used Statement 450S iQ to drop from the sky? Also wondering how an older Statement 450S non-iQ would compare to a Master 300.

Incidentally, I finally tried a single stereo 200iQ to see how much sound quality drop-off that represents (currently running a Master preamp). Yikes! The 2nd one went back in VERY quickly...

I’m pining for a pair of Master 300’s. If anyone is interested in our demo 200iQ’s, PM me!

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