VAC 450i iQ


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL

I saw it at the factory. It’s a MONSTER.

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It’s an integrated amp? 450wpc of tube power in an integrated amp? I am sure it will cost many multiples of what very good separates go for and it looks huge so not sure why an integrated amp. Most people in the expected pricing zip code that I think this will come in at, will likely prefer separates. My 2c.

Any sense for where this will price? If no, where would you guess? My sense is not less than $50K.
It’s an integrated amp? 450wpc of tube power in an integrated amp? I am sure it will cost many multiples of what very good separates go for and it looks huge so not sure why an integrated amp. Most people in the expected pricing zip code that I think this will come in at, will likely prefer separates. My 2c.

Any sense for where this will price? If no, where would you guess? My sense is not less than $50K.

6 figures. It’s massive in size. Like a speaker. I guess the argument is that you save on interconnects. Anyway, the guys at VAC are terrific and I hope it sells really well for them. It certainly is ground breaking.

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Interesting design. Cable savings and rack space.

From a product perspective, add DAC and renderer modules, no rack would be required (just thinking - I don’t know their plans).

Look forward to seeing and hearing it.
Speechless. Interesting and somewhat innovative, but...

Not it sure what Kevin was trying to achieve with this design. One would still need to get a rack to accommodate the turntable and other digital source components.

Would become an interesting proposition if the architecture would accommodate a top end DAC and renderer.

Lastly, in the tradition of most VAC gear, I’m pretty sure it will be a nice sounding integrated. I hope he sells them!