Cartridge question


New member
Nov 18, 2013
This may be the wrong forum to ask a question about a higher end budget cartridge as most of you guys have high end analog systems, but here goes.

I am looking for a warmer sounding cartridge to pair with the Thorens TD-145 TT that I am buying. I want to stay in the $350 price range and I am looking at the Nagaoka MP-200 and the Grado Refrence Platinum wood. I am leaning to the MP-200. It is supposed to have the warmth of the Grado but more detail, musicality and dynamics with being very forgiving of LP surface noise, clicks and pops. It has an elliptical stylus and Boron cantilever.

If I really get into vinyl, I will spring for better gear and give this system to my son.


This is certainly the right forum for your question. I think you would be happy with either cartridge, but I prefer the slightly more detailed sound of the Nagaoka. I have a couple of customers quite happy with it.
That said, if you can get an audition, it would be best.
Thanks Black Dog! After doing some more reading, the Nagaoka MP-200 seems like the logical choice. It does not suffer from the Grado bounce or hum that I have read about. This is important for the Thorens TD-145 TT because it has a spring suspension for the platter and tone arm which is bouncy in its own right. The tone arm on the Thorens was a low mass tone arm in its day but at 16.5gms it is a medium mass arm by today's standards and it may be a better match although I have been told that resonance frequency matters more.
I just ordered my Nagaoka MP-200 cartridge from Japan. I should have it in 7-12 days. It should be a good match for the Thorens. The resonance frequency will be about 9.5, well within the optimal range of 8-12.

What do you guys think about a cork mat for the TT?
Mechnutt....congrats on the Nagoka cart :thumbsup: Let us know how it sounds when you mount it on your table and put some hours on it. Good luck.
I have the TT set up with the Nagaoka MP-200 which arrived in 3 days from Japan. I have about 10 hours on the cartridge and it takes about 30 hours to break in according to Nagaoka. The system sounds great and is dialed in. For a budget cartridge I am impressed. It has a hint of warmth with an very wide and deep sound stage and good air. It has good dynamics and musicality with deep punchy bass. The noise floor is low and treble is smooth if not a little tame but it sounds natural.

If I decide to take off with vinyl I will dump the cheap Bellari phono preamp for something better and upgrade the cartridge to an Ortofon 2M Black or Nagaoka Black.

I am going to buy another TT this week for my son for a holiday present. I found a Pioneer PL-55x in mint condition for $150. It was a nice TT back in the 1970's and sold for about $270.