Favorite headshells


New member
Jan 29, 2014
What's you favorite headshell, and is it still available. What tonearm and cart to you use it with.

I have a Shun Mook that last I check is no longer available.
How much difference does a headshell actually make? I have seen many different models and makes online.

Main difference seem to be the material their made of, carbon, Alu, Steel, wood, titanium etc. I like the looks of the carbon one.
I own a SME M2-9R tonearm, which accomodates the standard SME type headshell. I have been using the supreme headshell from LpGear ($59, recently went up to $79). It looks like an Ortofon which in turn looks like it’s made by Jelco. I like that it has an azimuth adjustment. With a simple loosening of an allen screw, it allows azimuth adjustment. That said, do I think it sounds the best ? No. But this is dependent on the cartridge and compliance of such. It looks kind of clunky so I use it for low compliance cartridges. Like all my experience with Jelco products, it could use more “life”. It gets an “A” for convienence though.

The original SME headshell is lighter. I would gather it is attuned to a more medium compliance cartridge. Do I think it sounds great ? Not really.

My favorite headshell is an Orsonic I bought many years ago. I don’t think it is still available. It consists of a cartridge mountng plate which rides on two round parallel posts. This makes the overhang setting a snap. It also has more adjustment range than long mounting slots. It’s a work of art. I bought it for high compliance cartridges. That was a moot point when using it on my Jelco MMT tonearm. I have never found a reason to dislike it soundwise, but to be honest I don’t know if it sounds better than any other headshell I own. I would have to mount the same cartridge on all my headshells to make a real determination. It sure looks great though.

It seems I am always in need of another headshell, so if anyone has a recommendation or source, please let me know.