A high-end stereo sound system for less than five grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

I'm just about to build one, in my brain, but I'm not finish just yet; so please feel free too. :)

...A Digital one (with a CD/SACD player as the source; most likely the Oppo BDP-105 for $999 refurbished directly from Oppo).

Two subs; the Hsu VTF-15H = $1,758 for both.

Now I just need a very good pair of speakers (floorstanders or monitors with stands), and a nice integrated amp. ...I still have $2,242.99 to spend.
Watch out! ...It's going to shake (radically; with tremendous power) the house's foundation down! :)

* I'll finish building it tomorrow, with a pair of interconnects and speaker wires. ...Most likely from KimberKable.

For the speakers I'm looking at something Canadian perhaps. ...Wide dispersion, with excellent imaging. ...Some depth & height too (holographic).
...And the integrated amp; some' from Europe, with refinement, sophisticated neutrality and musicality (natural). ...Well controlled across the essential audio spectrum of the mid-range chords, and with air too (highs).
Very important here; the matching (synergy) between the speakers and amp/preamp. ...Try that for about two grands!
Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

Good old Canadian made PSB. Synchrony One's can be found in that budget. Probably less. I actually know a fellow who has a pair for sale used.

Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

Another option would be Sonus Faber Venere 2.5's.
Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

Wyred4sound integrated amp $1,500
Wyred4sound music Server $2,000
Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

Good old Canadian made PSB. Synchrony One's can be found in that budget. Probably less. I actually know a fellow who has a pair for sale used.


Bob,I have a pair of these. I've not tried to sell them,but I might if your interested.

I looked for almost 2 years for something better and then I found the Salon 2's. But the Synchrony One's can hold their own with speakers costing many multiples the money that the PSB's cost.

And you don't have to buy subs.
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Hi Bob,

Here are couple of my recommendations.

1. Totem Model 1 Signature ( found in Canuck ) $1,100 ( probably you can get it for $ 1,000 :) )

Totem Model 1 Signature (mahogany) - Canuck Audio Mart


with CAMBRIDGE AZUR 840A V2 Integrated Amp $780

CAMBRIDGE AZUR 840A V2 Integrated Amp $2000 Retail SEE PHOTO - Canuck Audio Mart


So you can spend extra $ 469 for the CD's

2. Totem Arro $950
Totem Arro - Cherry Finish - Less than 12 months old - Canuck Audio Mart


Sim Audio Moon i-5 $ 1400

Simaudio ( Sim Audio ) Moon i-5 Integrated Amp - Canuck Audio Mart


$ 1400 + $ 950 = $ 2.350 ( i'm sure you can haggle the price down to your budget )
Here are a couple of options for a very musical system in the $5k range:

Speakers: Nola Boxers or KEF LS50 both sell for $1.5K
Amps: Rega for $1K or Rogue for $2.3K
CD: Oppo 105 for $1K to $1.2K
Cables: Kimber Hero ICs w WBT ends $300, Kimber TC12 SCs for $400, Shunyata Venom PC for Oppo $125, Shunyata Z-Viper for the amp for $500

I suppose another way to attack this could be to replace the Oppo with a Mac Mini and add a DAC like the Schiit or even Rega.

Should be a very enjoyable system.
Here are a couple of options for a very musical system in the $5k range:

Speakers: Nola Boxers or KEF LS50 both sell for $1.5K
Amps: Rega for $1K or Rogue for $2.3K
CD: Oppo 105 for $1K to $1.2K
Cables: Kimber Hero ICs w WBT ends $300, Kimber TC12 SCs for $400, Shunyata Venom PC for Oppo $125, Shunyata Z-Viper for the amp for $500

I suppose another way to attack this could be to replace the Oppo with a Mac Mini and add a DAC like the Schiit or even Rega.

Should be a very enjoyable system.

Great recommendations Mike! I haven't heard the LS50s yet but the Nola Boxers are incredible speakers, especially in that price range!
Thanks Jeff. I heard the Nola Boxers and the Rogue amp last year at RMAF and was very impressed. I also heard the KEFs there - very impressive (Golden Ear Award by TAS!).

These two affordable systems are about the musical experience.
Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

One word: Paradigm, bang for the buck is bigger than lovelace in the mall.

Paradigm makes some excellent speakers indeed Kev. The Reference Sudio 20's ($998/pair) would made a good choice, I think.
But then you need to add some speaker stands with them; something solid and of great value (inexpensive; like $100-200 for the pair).

Good old Canadian made PSB. Synchrony One's can be found in that budget. Probably less. I actually know a fellow who has a pair for sale used.


Yes Mike, those too would do.

Another option would be Sonus Faber Venere 2.5's.

And yes again; as long as we don't go over $1,200 or so. ...Don't forget the stands.
Because that would leave us with roughly $1,040 for the integrated amp and interconnects and speaker wires.
...It's doable.

Bob, check out the Rega Brio-R integrated. It's gotten very good reviews and has a down to earth price tag.

Rega Brio-R Integrated Amplifier

Rega Brio-R: Redefining the Genre ? Spotlight | TONEAudio MAGAZINE

Yes Doug, if the prices are in the right range.

Wyred4sound integrated amp $1,500
Wyred4sound music Server $2,000

Nelson, our budget won't allow us to contemplate this excellent integrated amp and music server.
Or in the case of the int. amp, unless we can get a pair of great speakers in the five-six hundred dollars range or so.
...It's doable. ...Because we can get interconnects and speaker wires from Blue Jeans Cable or so.

Bob,I have a pair of these. I've not tried to sell them,but I might if your interested.

I looked for almost 2 years for something better and then I found the Salon 2's. But the Synchrony One's can hold their own with speakers costing many multiples the money that the PSB's cost.

And you don't have to buy subs.

Mark, if you read my first original post carefully, you would know that the high-end stereo sound system that I'm putting together is unique, extremely powerful (good for any type of music at all), and is only imaginary.
I am NOT personally looking for a new pair of speakers, but someone else might. :)

And! ...The two subs in that system are an integral part (essential) of the full balanced equation.
And that's why monitors with stands would do very well (easier to position for best imaging).
And the two subs' free positioning allow for a very solid and balanced foundation.

* The main purpose of this thread is to see what I, and all of you/us together (or alone if you prefer) can come up with, and intelligently recommend a high-end audio stereo system to someone with a budget of five grands, or less.
And the requisites are:
- A system that can play ALL types of music, and with great authority (Live, with you-are-there realism).
- A system that images very well (holographic).
- A system that is mostly Musical and Natural sounding, without any particular emphasis (neutral all across the full audio spectrum).
Hi Bob,

Here are couple of my recommendations.

1. Totem Model 1 Signature ( found in Canuck ) $1,100 ( probably you can get it for $ 1,000 :) )

Totem Model 1 Signature (mahogany) - Canuck Audio Mart


with CAMBRIDGE AZUR 840A V2 Integrated Amp $780

CAMBRIDGE AZUR 840A V2 Integrated Amp $2000 Retail SEE PHOTO - Canuck Audio Mart


So you can spend extra $ 469 for the CD's

2. Totem Arro $950
Totem Arro - Cherry Finish - Less than 12 months old - Canuck Audio Mart


Sim Audio Moon i-5 $ 1400

Simaudio ( Sim Audio ) Moon i-5 Integrated Amp - Canuck Audio Mart


$ 1400 + $ 950 = $ 2.350 ( i'm sure you can haggle the price down to your budget )

Paul, I like your choices best! :)
Here are a couple of options for a very musical system in the $5k range:

Speakers: Nola Boxers or KEF LS50 both sell for $1.5K
Amps: Rega for $1K or Rogue for $2.3K
CD: Oppo 105 for $1K to $1.2K
Cables: Kimber Hero ICs w WBT ends $300, Kimber TC12 SCs for $400, Shunyata Venom PC for Oppo $125, Shunyata Z-Viper for the amp for $500

I suppose another way to attack this could be to replace the Oppo with a Mac Mini and add a DAC like the Schiit or even Rega.

Should be a very enjoyable system.

Excellent! ...And yes, you can also go with the Oppo BDP-103 ($499), and match it with a separate DAC.
{IMO there's no obligation to pay $1,199 for the 105 when you can get it for $999 refurbished from Oppo directly; but that's me.}
Re: A High-end Stereo Sound System for Less than Five Grands! ...Speakers, Interconnects, and Cables included!

For speakers; perhaps the Monitor Audio Silver RX6 for $1,250/pair (full-range floorstanders, but these aren't Canadian).
* I'm not that anal anyway. :)

Also, the Dynaudio Excite X12 for $1,200/pair (but they need stands).

The Paradigm Reference Studio 20 v.5 like I previously mentioned; those retail for $1,498/pair, so we'll have to deal wisely here ($1,000/pair).

And the Sequerra Metronome 7.7 Mk.6 ($850/pair); but only sold direct (free shipping).
...They would complement my two Hsu subs real well.
- From what I read, they are "superbly focused", with "pinpoint imaging" and "top-notch" resolution.

DALI Zensor1 ($475/pair, without stands).

And last, for very little money, the Pioneer SP-BS41-LR ($149/pair and stands necessary). But these aren't Canadian made; they were designed by Andrew Jones, and manufactured in China.

*** Personally, I would try to strike a deal on the Dynaudio Excite X12, and also give a serious listen to the Paradigm Reference Studio 20 v.5 for that $999/pair deal. ...Then we got some $$$ for the stands.


Next post will be about the integrated amp. ...Stay tuned.

As for the interconnects and cables; no sweat.


I still love best Paul's choices, a lot! ...The Totem Model 1 Signature speakers, with stands. ...Canadian.

And between the Cambridge Azur 840A V2 and Simaudio Moon i5 integrated amps, I think that the Cambridge Azur (European. ... British?) would be the one (when considering the additional cost of the speaker stands and wiring everything).

And that, would be my final system (with Paul's help). ...Still enough money left for some nice solid stands and quality OFHC (six 9s) purity copper cables from KimberKable.

This system would truly rock! ...With anything!