MSB Select 2 versus dCS Varese Experiment

Lee Scoggins

Dec 28, 2017
Pink Faun redefined what I thought was possible for digital playback. Even Al Cheapo (me) bought one for home after listening to it in the store. Haven’t even hooked up my turntable in months.
Pink Faun redefined what I thought was possible for digital playback. Even Al Cheapo (me) bought one for home after listening to it in the store. Haven’t even hooked up my turntable in months.
Which Pink Faun?
Pink Faun redefined what I thought was possible for digital playback. Even Al Cheapo (me) bought one for home after listening to it in the store. Haven’t even hooked up my turntable in months.
I second this emotion. My PF Dual Ultra took the soundstage, detail, signal to noise, and musicality of my gear (including the Cascade) to new levels. I use it to feed both my primary and secondary systems. The change was substantial and very pleasing. I was not aware a file source could have such an impact on sound quality.