Line Stage Pre for Luxman M10X


Apr 9, 2017
I’m currently driving my M10X with the Grimm MU2 DAC/Pre. The Grimm is very quiet, resolving and neutral to my ears.

I’m considering adding a pre and the obvious candidates are a Luxy C10X. I’ve also seen YT video’s with the VAC Master paired with the Luxy.

In my experience you have to “move up the ladder” on pre’s to see an appreciable improvement compared to a well executed VC on a DAC.

I am using an Esoteric Grandioso C1X solo with mine and love it. I tried comparable offerings from ARC, Constellation, and Pass prior to opting for the solo. The C-10X was not available at the time.
I’m currently driving my M10X with the Grimm MU2 DAC/Pre. The Grimm is very quiet, resolving and neutral to my ears.

I’m considering adding a pre and the obvious candidates are a Luxy C10X. I’ve also seen YT video’s with the VAC Master paired with the Luxy.

In my experience you have to “move up the ladder” on pre’s to see an appreciable improvement compared to a well executed VC on a DAC.


Without understanding what speakers and other source equipment you are using it is difficult to provide a meaningful reply to your question. So with that caveat, the insight I can provide is based on spending some time listening to the Luxman C10X/M10X x2 (mono-block setting) at AXPONA 2024. I attached a video of the Luxman room at AXPONA 2024 for more detail on the rig (no music for sonic evaluation).

I am familiar with the Magico S3 2023 and all I can say is I came back more than once to enjoy the results. Wonderful transparency and musicality, good scale and soundstaging (height and depth), and good bass extension (although I couldn't see it in the room the S-sub certainly contributed to that) in what I thought was a tough room for setup.

If you like the contribution of the Luxman M10X in your current system it would make sense to audition the C10X preamp in your room. You should be the judge.
Thanks to all for the feedback. My speakers are Magico S3-2023.
Sounds like staying in the Luxman family is a no brainer. I’m sure the C10 is likely incrementally better than the just retired C900, however, does anyone have first hand experience?
After all, Luxy was at shows with C900/M10/S3 with very positive reviews.
Thanks to all for the feedback. My speakers are Magico S3-2023.
Sounds like staying in the Luxman family is a no brainer. I’m sure the C10 is likely incrementally better than the just retired C900, however, does anyone have first hand experience?
After all, Luxy was at shows with C900/M10/S3 with very positive reviews.

No brainer is an understatement IMHO.

Can't comment on the C900 v C10x but you are in for a treat no matter which way you go. Unless there are no Luxman dealers in South Carolina, I can't imagine it would be difficult to get a loaner C10x for demo. Listen for yourself on your own rig, in your own room. No need to speculate or rely on the opinion of others.
A buddy of mine recently replaced his VAC pre for the matching Luxman to go with his Luxman amp. He said it is much better!