Has anyone compared the Luxman 595 and the 590 AXII?

Aug 1, 2023
United States
Has anyone heard both the Luxman 595 and the Luxman 590 AXII? I own the 595 and I like it. I heard the 590 AXII once in a store and I liked it also. However, I feel like I liked the 590 AXII more as I remembered it more open sounding/less stuffy. Maybe, though, it was just me remembering it wrong. Has anyone else compared?
Has anyone heard both the Luxman 595 and the Luxman 590 AXII? I own the 595 and I like it. I heard the 590 AXII once in a store and I liked it also. However, I feel like I liked the 590 AXII more as I remembered it more open sounding/less stuffy. Maybe, though, it was just me remembering it wrong. Has anyone else compared?
I think you are comparing apples to oranges unless you heard them both in the same set up to decide which sound you preferred.
ya, that makes it even more difficult also. I was hoping there might of been Luxman class A fans that had tried or had both at one point.
Also, in this review for a Yamaha Steve Huff mentioned he liked the 590 AXII more than the 595 which made me feel like I was hearing correctly when I thought I might of liked the 590 more from that one listening session

From the review:
My fave Luxman is still the older 590 AXII but I love the Yamaha AS-3200 just as much for my tastes in sound, today. In other words I am putting the A-S 3200 in the same company as the Luxman 590 AXII, build and sound.