I've owned a lot of Furutech power cables and demo'd their interconnects and speaker cables.
I would suggest a demo before purchasing brand new. You have to see how you rate their value and sound versus whatever you use. My opinion on their products varied between "this is a revelation" and "this is average and probably overpriced." Of course, Furutech would not be unique to receive that critique when evaluating cables.
I owned Furutech Nanoflux and Nanoflux NCF power cables. The difference between them was the Nanoflux was most the full and robust power cable I had ever heard at that time and the NCF version added speed and clarity while being more neutral and less warm.
My demo of Nanoflux speaker cables was extremely positive. I found the balance of sound in my system almost perfect at the time. I came very close to buying them but my speakers at that time lacked bass so I was looking to have a touch more warmth and wound up with a loom of Wireworld Platinum Eclipse 7 speaker cables and interconnects to use with my Furutech power cables. That combo was perfect for me at that time with the gear I had.
I found that the Furutech Digiflux coaxial cable and Lineflux interconnects didn't really do anything to stand out to me at the time I demo'd them.
Their cables look great and I appreciated the construction. Their latest NCF versions of their Lineflux and latest power cable likely improve performance even more.
They are worth a demo if they appeal to you.