Esoteric & Luxman CD-Players House sound


Oct 13, 2021
What is the difference in house sound between the two brands?
I’m interested in Eso K-05XD or Lux D-07X. What are your thoughts? 🤔
I would take a listen to these two models in person and decide which you like the sound of the best. I haven’t heard these two exact models but the Esoteric and Luxman are going to sound different and I think both are great machines .. just comes to personal preference.

Good luck!

Like George I have not heard those two models. My impression from what units I have heard from them Esoteric will be more neutral and, dynamic with faster transients. By comparison, I enjoy Esoteric. Lux seems to have a bit more color and lush of the two.
I have a Luxman D-10x. I would say its attributes are ultra clarity and sounding balanced from top to bottom with nothing emphasized.

I read a review [【レビュー】音の沼にハマる。ラックスマンのネットワークトランスポート「NT-07」を推す理由 - AV Watch] of the latest Luxman streamer yesterday (translated from Japanese) and the reviewer used it with both the Luxman D-07x and the Esoteric K1X and described the differences and similarities of each DAC as:

"Specifically, there is a difference between the clear bass that I experienced in combination with the D-07X and the heavy bass that the K1X brings out. If I had to choose one over the other, I would choose the D-07X for listeners who seek the comfort of being immersed in a clear lingering sound, and the K1X for those who prefer large-scale sounds. There are some differences in the texture and volume of the bass, but through using the NT-07, some commonalities between the two DACs emerged. Both have a great ability to bring out the dynamism of their performances, and the melodic instruments and vocals sing with rich expression. In other words, he is good at expressing emotions. The freshness of the stringed instruments and voice is also one of the strengths worth noting, bringing out the lively sound without being boring. These are common points between the two DACs, and are also strengths of the NT-07."
The US MSRP of the K1X is about 3x the MSRP of the new D-07X, so I'm a bit surprised that the Esoteric isn't a clear winner in spite of differences in house sounds. This in spite of the just announced upgrade of the K1X to the K1X SE. A more apples-to-apples comparison would be the D-07X to an Esoteric K-05XD.
Mike is probably the best person to ask since he carries both lines and can accurately describe the differences.
Mike is probably the best person to ask since he carries both lines and can accurately describe the differences.

Happy to have those conversations privately with potential customers.

Way too much butt hurt when you post things publicly.

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