AudioSolutions Figaro L2


Active member
Sep 23, 2013
Warsaw, Poland
New babies in the house - AudioSolutions Figaro L2
Look nice, the way how is the Denon DP 3000NE ....any good ?
Really good speakers. A dizzying array of color and design accent options too. We had a pair in the store sent to us to evaluate by the company.


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Look nice, the way how is the Denon DP 3000NE ....any good ?
Denon is great. I switched from the Kuzma Stabi S + Kuzma Stogi + Dynavector DV-10X5 to have a turntable “in one piece” and not have to fiddle around every time I set up the transport and motor when I reach for an LP and I do that quite occasionally.
Really good speakers. A dizzying array of color and design accent options too. We had a pair in the store sent to us to evaluate by the company.
Signal Projects cables - i like Nick's work and have followed the evolution of the sound of his cables closely for more than 10 years ;-)
Really good speakers. A dizzying array of color and design accent options too. We had a pair in the store sent to us to evaluate by the company.
Thanks for posting photos of the speakers, Mike. By any chance, are any photos of the crossover board components available?
I had the M2's here for a bit.

A LOT of speaker for the money. Definitely a great value.

And it handily beat out a pair of $47K speakers I had here at the same time.
Those are interesting feet, certain springs for a certain weight speaker. Way back when I was spinning records, I developed a system to reduce vibrations' effects on my turntable. I had a 2" piece of maple under the turntable with 4 springs which were attached to the ceiling. It was a bit tricky just hanging there (don't bump into but it really cleaned up the sound by a huge amount. The maple added mass, and the springs added isolation. In those days (late '70s) we were starting to do things like filling our racks with sand and we were using puddy to dampen the vibrations of the top covers of certain equipment.