Ansuz Cables & Accessories

D2 is a huge budget for Borresen 03s IMO, how about C2 ?
The C2 is very good. Much better than the original D1. I have to agree though the D2 is the sweet spot IMO especially with the D-TC and the Supreme.
I second George on that! If going with C2 Mainz try to get a D2 Mainz8 power distributor and do not forget Darkz under equipment and cables. If funds allow, D2 is a good step up and D-TC Mainz way beyond that. But C2 is so good, so until comparing with D2, D-TC nothing else comes close.

My best for 2020/Mike

I am just curious, after almost three years between this forum and Audiogon are you actually going to break down and buy something or just keep spinning around in circles? It's really not as hard as you have been making it.

I am just curious, after almost three years between this forum and Audiogon are you actually going to break down and buy something or just keep spinning around in circles? It's really not as hard as you have been making it.

Just waiting patiently for the funds.
Meanwhile that doesn't hold me from exploring what's on the market, and i still have my headphone rig to listen to music.
Is D2 much better than Cardas Clear Beyond ?

Have not listened to the Cardas but I heard a A2 Mainz better an Odin II when Ansuz series 2 was introduced some years ago albeit in an otherwise full Ansuz and Aavik system.Though i have noticed that mains cables could be very system dependent however with one exception, Ansuz Mainz, which always made a positive impact on any system I heard them introduced in.

A2 being no slouch C2 betters it clearly in all areas and is def worth the extra cost and a D2, well….

Have not listened to the Cardas but I heard a A2 Mainz better an Odin II when Ansuz series 2 was introduced some years ago albeit in an otherwise full Ansuz and Aavik system.Though i have noticed that mains cables could be very system dependent however with one exception, Ansuz Mainz, which always made a positive impact on any system I heard them introduced in.

A2 being no slouch C2 betters it clearly in all areas and is def worth the extra cost and a D2, well….


Yeah i guess C2 is already very impressive compared to the competition costing much more.
glad to hear from you leatherneck......was following your u-loop to dtc back to a2:)

a few questions i have:
is d2 really "better" than odin?

how much discount is possible to get normally for the ansuz stoff? 50% realistic? for full loom d2. got my odins abot 40% below msrp ten years back.
Ansuz Cables & Accessories

glad to hear from you leatherneck......was following your u-loop to dtc back to a2:)

a few questions i have:
is d2 really "better" than odin?

how much discount is possible to get normally for the ansuz stoff? 50% realistic? for full loom d2. got my odins abot 40% below msrp ten years back.

Hi U-Sound...

Yes, while subjective I believe most everyone who has owned both D2 and Odin would agree D2 is really “better”. I have owned both and would venture to say that even A2 is better than Odin. Others may disagree but I doubt it.

D2 is some of the best performing cable on the market at any price point. To ask if D2 is really better than Odin is a bit like asking if a 2019 Ferrari 488
is really “better” than a 2010 Porsche 911. Both cars are great but there is a significant difference in performance and thrill factor.

Regarding discount... it depends. If you are patient and buy each cable piecemeal (Trade ins or preowned on the secondary market) you may be able to obtain or get near that pricing. If however you want a relationship with a dealer and want everything at once, new product with warranty then I’d suggest you’d pay more. While dealers are motivated to make sales, they are professionals servicing you and ensuring you have a top rate experience. They of course have operational costs to cover and need to make a fair profit. This said should you purchase a full loom they should work with you to the extent they reasonably are able to.

To stick with the car analogy, sure you can find a classified and buy that car from Joe Blow at an aggressive discount. But if it’s important to you, the notion of buying a certified preowned from a dealer or a new vehicle from one with a long-standing, positive reputation may prove comforting and reassuring.

If it’s deep discounting you’re oriented to, look for first generation Ansuz cabling. You’ll find your deal. Second generation Ansuz has not been on the market more than a couple years now so it’s harder to come by for rarely is it sold on the secondary compared to many other brands. People tend to hold onto it or trade up through their dealers.

From my point of view, Nordost’s philosophy may be different from that of Ansuz’s. I once heard Lars (Ansuz) say that he wants to run his R&D team like a team of Formula 1 engineers. He wants to consistently be first to market with the best performing technologically advanced product. Not that Nordost wouldn’t like this as well, but their current product lines have been introduced several years ago if not longer in many cases. R&D is expensive but necessary to break through performance barriers.

I hope this helps and best of luck! Feel welcome to DM me if I can be of further assistance.

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hey dolce vita, THX!!
i take it as an honor to get such a long detailed answer.
i wonder a little why out in the web is still much more talk about odin and nr2 than ansuz.
right now i have somebody who badly wants to buy my full loom odin for just 20% less than i bought it long ago.
i wonder because he is an expierient guy with acsess to basicly anthing. so why doesnt he buy ansuz d2?
i dont want to defend odin btw, i have no clue whats better myself.
all i actually need is 1 rca cable. this guy who wants to buy my old cables, lol, makes me looking around and yes, the designer from odin is now ansuz if i am right. sure makes thinking he is capable.
hey dolce vita, THX!!
i take it as an honor to get such a long detailed answer.
i wonder a little why out in the web is still much more talk about odin and nr2 than ansuz.
right now i have somebody who badly wants to buy my full loom odin for just 20% less than i bought it long ago.
i wonder because he is an expierient guy with acsess to basicly anthing. so why doesnt he buy ansuz d2?
i dont want to defend odin btw, i have no clue whats better myself.
all i actually need is 1 rca cable. this guy who wants to buy my old cables, lol, makes me looking around and yes, the designer from odin is now ansuz if i am right. sure makes thinking he is capable.

My pleasure!

If you can sell your loom of Odin under these circumstances you should seriously consider.

Why he does not buy Ansuz D2 I cannot say. Maybe he has a relative who works for Nordost? ;-)

Happy to help anyway I can. Best of luck. Yes... Odin was the reference for years and it’s good but Børresen continues to innovate

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thx again, yes, selling is becoming a true option.
no the buyer is german and not conectetd to nordost. he actally is atrader for 2nd hand audiogear who has asian clients. he travels through middle europe and checks if the 2nd gear is in good condition. nearly all gear i sold in recent years was to him. all the biggest of levinson, fm , krell etc. he never payed well, but then again it was always just calling him and within a couple of hours the gear was out of the house and the cash straight in the pocked. every time he asked about the odins, how much i want. because he knows mine ones he can garantie they are not fake ones nor shortened ones and the asians seem to be fans of odin. so finally he offered now to buy them for 40% percent of new ones.

well, i am looking strongly at the borresen 03 as well,....might it be the best just fly up to denmark and knock at the factory door?
full loom d2 + bore03 top deal fight
thx again, yes, selling is becoming a true option.
no the buyer is german and not conectetd to nordost. he actally is atrader for 2nd hand audiogear who has asian clients. he travels through middle europe and checks if the 2nd gear is in good condition. nearly all gear i sold in recent years was to him. all the biggest of levinson, fm , krell etc. he never payed well, but then again it was always just calling him and within a couple of hours the gear was out of the house and the cash straight in the pocked. every time he asked about the odins, how much i want. because he knows mine ones he can garantie they are not fake ones nor shortened ones and the asians seem to be fans of odin. so finally he offered now to buy them for 40% percent of new ones.

well, i am looking strongly at the borresen 03 as well,....might it be the best just fly up to denmark and knock at the factory door?
full loom d2 + bore03 top deal fight

Great choice if you go for Borresen 03s, i just sold my Thiel CS 3.7s and also want to purchase the 03s.
I know the distributor very well and should get a good discount from him, will probably go for Anzuz cables as well.
You are always welcome to visit us in Denmark You just contact me and we will take care of you and also make sure you are going to have a great and interesting time..
Happy New Year to all!

I’ve been following the exchange between u-sound and La Dolce Vita with great interest.

Why is there still so much talk on the web about the Nordost Odin? The simple answer is because it is a very good cable – that runs circles around many others in the niche – and is manufactured by a long established and well respected brand.

Years back when I started this thread my complete system foundation was Nordost. Odin, Valhalla, QBase, QX Quantum’s, Sort Kones, Jumpers and more. I had worked my way up the product range with my first purchase being Blue Heaven cables and pulsar points.

Nordost’s foundation theory works and was quite a wakeup call for the entire industry. Its philosophical position that when you are listening to your Hi Fi system, what you are actually listening to is the AC power that comes out of your wall was revolutionary and controversial in equal order as adjudged by the protagonists and antagonists of the day. Nonetheless the veracity of the philosophy was undeniable to my ears and a fine example of the sort of cathedral thinking the industry desperately needed. That said, the fall out was staggering. Suddenly spending unconscionably large sums of money on Odin cables was actually defensible.

While cathedrals stand for hundreds of years largely unchanged archaeologically and architecturally; construction methods evolve. With the advent of Ansuz Acoustics, chief designer Michael Børresen advanced his earlier work at Nordost taking electrical characteristics of low capacitance and inductance and mechanical concepts of resonance control and pushed the boundaries further whilst adding a suite of noise reduction and suppression technologies. In my own tests I found Ansuz took the best qualities of Nordost, that is, speed, resolution and neutrality and injected a blacker background resulting in more effortless and organic musicality.

Reports in this thread and elsewhere point to various independent parties finding the Ansuz Acoustics A2 power cable superior to the Nordost Odin 2 Supreme Reference power cable. That’s quite a finding when you consider the Odin 2 lists at US$22k (2.5m) versus the Ansuz A2 at US$3k (2m). Even so, given Ansuz cables are accessible and dealers are encouraged to loan them out to qualified customers there is absolutely no excuse for not trying them in your own system to arrive at your own conclusion.

Owners and prospective owners of Borresen Acoustics loudspeakers are particularly encouraged to use Ansuz cables and accessories. This is not only due to obvious synergy (Borresen speakers are wired with Ansuz) but because the effects of various technologies employed are cumulative.

Again – Happy 2020 to all.
flying to Denmark and knocking on the factory door sounds like a great idea.

full loom D2 also sounds like a dream, if it's too much money I would "settle" with D2 on the power side and C2 on the signal side of things. But eventually you would probably want to upgrade to D2 all over... :)
glad to hear from you leatherneck......was following your u-loop to dtc back to a2:)

a few questions i have:
is d2 really "better" than odin?

how much discount is possible to get normally for the ansuz stuff? 50% realistic? for full loom d2. got my odins about 40% below msrp ten years back.
While I do agree the D2 is the sweet spot the original D-TC is even better than the D2. I assume the D-TC is no longer in production since the Supreme version is out and available so you may be able to find a demo or new old stock D-TC for the price of a D2. I also recommend nothing shorter than 2M. The longer the better. If you want to get started - start with the foundation being from the wall to the distribution and from there power cords to the components. Then the interconnects and last the speaker cables.

Good Luck
While I do agree the D2 is the sweet spot the original D-TC is even better than the D2. I assume the D-TC is no longer in production since the Supreme version is out and available so you may be able to find a demo or new old stock D-TC for the price of a D2. I also recommend nothing shorter than 2M. The longer the better. If you want to get started - start with the foundation being from the wall to the distribution and from there power cords to the components. Then the interconnects and last the speaker cables.

Good Luck

I do believe D-TC Mainz is still in production, but Lars can surely confirm this. D-TC Supreme being twice the price of D-TC I guess it will stay in production. The D-TC Mainz in my system gave a jump in SQ that I didn't expect.
