Mike - I can't say enough good about the Mainz D-TC. It's the biggest improvement I've heard in my system.
Out of the box it's a huge improvement in noise floor and micro details you probably never heard. It only gets better from there. But nothing like out of the box. I would say after about 500hrs it really settled down meaning not really getting better. One thing that is pretty amazing is the fact you can play damn near twice as loud as without it (if that matters).
Mike - I can't say enough good about the Mainz D-TC. It's the biggest improvement I've heard in my system.
Out of the box it's a huge improvement in noise floor and micro details you probably never heard. It only gets better from there. But nothing like out of the box. I would say after about 500hrs it really settled down meaning not really getting better. One thing that is pretty amazing is the fact you can play damn near twice as loud as without it (if that matters).
That is interesting... and it kind of adds to my thinking of simplifying from monoblocks and separates into a integrated unit. I'm really not that far in my thoughts yet as to what amp that would possibly be, but as food for thought, what would you choose... an Aavik U-300 with Mainz 8 C2 vs Aavik U-150 with Mainz 8 D2? In other words, put the money in the amp or in the power distributor? Given our experiences what Ansuz power can actually do, is the answer that simple? Or maybe it's Mainz 8 D-TC and NO amp...
The million dollar question, would you consider 20 000 EUR better spent elsewhere (any Ansuz people disqualified from answering )? I guess it will be system dependent….
That is interesting... and it kind of adds to my thinking of simplifying from monoblocks and separates into a integrated unit. I'm really not that far in my thoughts yet as to what amp that would possibly be, but as food for thought, what would you choose... an Aavik U-300 with Mainz 8 C2 vs Aavik U-150 with Mainz 8 D2? In other words, put the money in the amp or in the power distributor? Given our experiences what Ansuz power can actually do, is the answer that simple? Or maybe it's Mainz 8 D-TC and NO amp...
Foundation...it’s all about that... focus on the power distributor, cables, Darkz, etc. The components are important but the foundation is what we hear the most, what should please us the most... both U-150 and U-300 are great. There are subtle nuances BUT...having the best foundation one can afford is the best strategy and will offer greatest satisfaction and enjoyment. Just my opinion...
And I tend to agree with your opinion, hearing what Darkz, power and cables can do to a "medium" system is quite astonishing... I also like the idea of it being so opposite from how it was probably seen a few years ago.
No, not likely. Unless perhaps it was going to a better listening room. We all know how important the room itself can be.
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Time for a release of the DTC room, wonder if Ansuz is up to the task?:exciting:
The million dollar question, would you consider 20 000 EUR better spent elsewhere (any Ansuz people disqualified from answering )? I guess it will be system dependent….
what a cool photo! it reminds me about my first Lampi DAC which was mounted on a wooden board as well. I hope those ceramic balls can not become loose if you "shake" it too much... not really sure why you would shake it though....
yesterday evening I was just about to push the button, I had more or less decided to move forward with my simplifying-and-downgrading-while-upgrading plan.... but then I started listening to some music and pure bliss came out of those speakers. I started to have doubts if a one-box solution can really be on this level or better. mmm... tough decisions....
I consider my Lampi DAC magical! it takes a lot of space and it's sensitive with all the visible tubes sticking out of it but it's really something special sound-wise, my listening session yesterday evening was amazing. I'm trying to familiarize me with the thought of not living with it, in favour of the built-in DAC of the Aavik U-150. And the same goes for my pre-amp and my monoblocks. I have no doubts about the Mainz 8, no matter if it's going to be A2,C2,D2 or D-TC model I think they will all be top-notch, it's merely about how much money one is ready to spend.
Anyway, I guess I'm going through with my plan to simplify from separates to integrated... which means I have a lot of Diamonds to sell, if anyone is interested send me a PM!
Well, simplifying would involve getting rid of all separates in favour for an integrated to begin with. To be honest I doubt the built-in DAC in the Aavik can match my Lampi in a head to head battle, but I'm thinking that I need to settle somewhere and it's about cutting costs and money tied into all these boxes and cables. Or I keep the Lampi and skip the DAC module, it would just mean 1 box more and 2 cables more. The market for an integrated amp without DAC module is also a lot bigger, but I do like the modularity that a DAC module could be fitted afterwards (and maybe also upgraded over time).... and yes, listening is of course always the answer, but it's fun to speculate and think about various scenarios...