Tannoy Forum Now Open


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Mike, how does the LM 219 foot it against the Cary amps?

I haven't done a head to head shootout - but the Cary's with circa 1940 211 tubes and WE 300b's, sounds very classic tubey. Glorious midrange bloom. Full sound. Bass is good at 4db feedback (you can adjust feedback to dial in to your room/speakers). Top end is smooth - some would say "ever so slightly rolled off".

The LM219ia with WE replica 845's and 300b's, sounds very sweet, more dynamic, great bass. Top end is more extended.

The Cary's win in the midrange, the 219ia win in the bass and highs. I don't feel either is under rated or under powered.

Given that both are "about" the same price, I would have a hard time choosing. Probably the Cary's because they are made in the U.S. and if the amp needed repairing - the company is right here. Plus, tech support with the end company is a call away.

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You will love them . I have both the a and the dc-10t . Way underpriced speaker .
Hi everybody ! Is there anybody own Tannoy Definition D700 speakers to help me with some info about Crossover.