T+A PSD 3100 HV Owners Around?


New member
Oct 9, 2013
Altoona, PA
I just received my T+A PSD 3100 HV (Pre-DAC-Streamer) & a PDT 3100 HV SACD Transport a couple weeks ago. Amazing components. Really settling in nicely and am enjoying my listening a great deal.

Wondering if anyone with this combo out just the PSD is using the new G3 app. If so whatÂ’s your experience? IÂ’m using the ios version. And while it does sums things quite well (better than many mature apps) there are quite a few bugs and it remains unfinished and/or seriously far from advanced functions that it seems set up for. I realize assets SACD resources are more productive in other areas for them. However i really hope they get back to it. The devices deserve the best operation experience that i believe id possible with what they have started.
Congrats on your PSD3100HV. I'm a huge fan of T+A. I personally don't know of any PSD owners, but I'm sure it sounds quite awesome.
Congrats on your PSD3100HV. I'm a huge fan of T+A. I personally don't know of any PSD owners, but I'm sure it sounds quite awesome.

Thx for responding, bryans. My experience so far has been incredible. Beyond my expectations.
Congratulations on your T+A gear! Fantastic pieces for sure.

I also really love T+A. I wish I could afford some of their other, newer pieces. My main (not my only) experience with T+A is my DAC. It is not one of their most expensive models, but I believe it is absolutely amazing. Since I am a huge DSD fan T+A is about the best there is. Their DSD decoding is among the best in the industry. In my system I run my Roon server through HQPlayer and the DAC sees all music played through it as DSD512/48... 24.6Mhz. I have never heard a DAC that I like as much!

At one time I had their matching amplifier. It was small, but oh was it a sweet-sounding amplifier! That is one piece I would have been happy keeping.