New Series 200

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
The new Series 200!

First released was the headphone amplifier, which also included their DAC with DSD1024 capability!

The rest of the series starts with the DAC/Pre-amp, which handles DSD up to DSD1024 through their beloved two path system separating PCM and DSD. It has both XLR and RCA outputs and a single Analog input. It really appears to mainly be a DAC with minimal pre-amp function:

The new amplifier can power two sets of speakers, and for a change in topology T+A is using a Class D amplifier, the Purifi amplifier:

The final piece is their new form of their multi-format player:

Looks like a fantastic series. I fear that the price may have gone up to an unreachable level, but we will see.
That was the headphone amp, right. Any word on the other pieces? The DAC, the amp?

The headphone amp was priced pretty high I thought when it was first released, but then again it does include the high level DSD1024 DAC.... so.... I always thought it was silly to offer it only with the DAC. No idea how popular it has been since it was released.
dac is reportedly $6,900 ...very nice piece of gear but not enough of a difference to even consider upgrading from the dac8 dsd. although, the VU meters are way cool.

Yup, headphone amp came first, but seemed over the top to me...

Also, in my view, a really really silly design decision... they included their fantastic DAC.... BUT... it cannot be used as a DAC in your main systems... no outputs other than headphones.... so a great piece for someone who is only interested in headphones, but cannot be used as your system DAC also... so $8900 because inclusive of the DAC is almost nullified.

I am most wondering about the amplifier because I also believe there is not enough difference to consider replacing the DAC 8 DSD.
Only speculating... but I would guess not enough sales to justify the line and it looks like a large T+A dealer is fairly close to their location... only guessing, so I could very much be incorrect :).
btw: i see suncoast no longer carries t+a ...what gives?

They went nuts with pricing quarter after quarter after quarter. I even met with the owner in Germany and told him all this. I went through a few products and where they needed to be price wise based on competition. I explained that these repeated quarterly price increase made their products unobtainable.

You can’t sell a $25,000 integrated in a sea of $5-15k ones. When that same Integrated was $16k, you could perhaps get someone there. But not at $25k when you’re talking separates for that money. The Boulder 866 is $14,950 with DAC for perspective. Boulder!

This piece, IMO, should be $4,995 based on market comps or less. It’s class D for Christ sake.

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Only speculating... but I would guess not enough sales to justify the line and it looks like a large T+A dealer is fairly close to their location... only guessing, so I could very much be incorrect :).

Wrong. Price increase nuttiness. See above.

Has nothing to do with the quality of the product or sonics. Those are excellent.

I just wish they left pricing alone. I explained this to them a million times.
It was high, but not crazy. Then it went crazy.

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Ahhh... that sound reasonable... its too bad, the product itself is fantastic, but if they are pricing themselves out of the market then it will hurt them in the long haul :(....

I have yet to see the price on the amplifier. The new DAC is probably realistic in its price range of $6900... however the pre-amp functions are almost useless and they could have left them out and probably saved some money. Certainly not enough to justify a step up from the DAC 8 DSD. The DAC 8 DSD actually has a pretty darn good pre-amp function included for an all digital system. The single analog input, and putting the large volume control on the front, adding meters, are all cool, but certainly unnecessary and certainly not enough to entice current T+A DAC owners.

The amplifier's main competition, in my view, although not always a brand that gets compared, would be the NAD. The NAD Purifi straight amp is $1999... so how much is the T+A? Double that I could see, sort of, but certainly pushing it, especially considering that NAD give a 5 year warranty... if they start going in the $6k + range I think they are pricing themselves out of the market :(.
totally agree. non-competitive pricing on absolute and relative terms... it's not that they don't make great gear but for like pricing one can get similar gear from any one of the very top swiss names for crying out loud.
I can't find any pricing information for the A200 amp, although I have no immediate intention to switch from the NAD's Mater Series. Looking at the new T&A 200 range, my immediate impression is too many boxes and too much untidiness in the front panels.

The Purifi-based A200 amp is just a power amp so needs the DAC200 DAC/preamp $6900), but does this unit include a streamer? No, seems to be the answer, so a third box is needed to match the versatility of the M33 - and a bundle of those things on my Hate List - cables. And still no MM/MC input, or headphone out, or DSP. OK, settled - keep the M33 until someone comes up with a single box of even higher sound quality than the NAD M33. A long wait I suspect! Peter
Ahhh... that sound reasonable... its too bad, the product itself is fantastic, but if they are pricing themselves out of the market then it will hurt them in the long haul :(....

I have yet to see the price on the amplifier. The new DAC is probably realistic in its price range of $6900... however the pre-amp functions are almost useless and they could have left them out and probably saved some money. Certainly not enough to justify a step up from the DAC 8 DSD. The DAC 8 DSD actually has a pretty darn good pre-amp function included for an all digital system. The single analog input, and putting the large volume control on the front, adding meters, are all cool, but certainly unnecessary and certainly not enough to entice current T+A DAC owners.

The amplifier's main competition, in my view, although not always a brand that gets compared, would be the NAD. The NAD Purifi straight amp is $1999... so how much is the T+A? Double that I could see, sort of, but certainly pushing it, especially considering that NAD give a 5 year warranty... if they start going in the $6k + range I think they are pricing themselves out of the market :(.

I posted a link above. It’s $8995.

You’re starting to think how I was thinking. It’s ok to make something a little more expensive and offer the name/build/styling/whatever. That’s $16k. But when you’re $25k and the rest of your competitors are $10-15k cheaper and sound just as bloody good, you sort of have to scratch your head.

If this piece is $8995 and competition is $3-5k, it’s again, a head scratcher.

Anyway, like I said, I like the look, sound and build quality, I just wish the prices stayed a little more competitive, like where they were when I first picked up the line. Great company. Great folks. I hope they sell a lot.

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I posted a link above. It’s $8995.

You’re starting to think how I was thinking. It’s ok to make something a little more expensive and offer the name/build/styling/whatever. That’s $16k. But when you’re $25k and the rest of your competitors are $10-15k cheaper and sound just as bloody good, you sort of have to scratch your head.

If this piece is $8995 and competition is $3-5k, it’s again, a head scratcher.

Anyway, like I said, I like the look, sound and build quality, I just wish the prices stayed a little more competitive, like where they were when I first picked up the line. Great company. Great folks. I hope they sell a lot.

I 100% agree... it boggles my mind when companies price themselves out of the market, especially when they are barely starting to make a name for themselves in this market.

The link and price you posted is for the headphone amp, not the separate power amp that they are also doing in the Series 200. That model is the A 200 and we have yet to determine what the price is. The headphone amp is actually not a Purifi amplifier (I have never seen a headphone amp using the Purifi :)):

Double Mono "State of the Art“ discrete HV Amp technology
Pure Class A power stage

It is way over the top as a stand alone headphone amplifier in my view though.
I 100% agree... it boggles my mind when companies price themselves out of the market, especially when they are barely starting to make a name for themselves in this market.

The link and price you posted is for the headphone amp, not the separate power amp that they are also doing in the Series 200. That model is the A 200 and we have yet to determine what the price is. The headphone amp is actually not a Purifi amplifier (I have never seen a headphone amp using the Purifi :)):

Double Mono "State of the Art“ discrete HV Amp technology
Pure Class A power stage

It is way over the top as a stand alone headphone amplifier in my view though.

Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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It is not hard to get confused when looking at some of the T+A gear on their site. There are over laps of functions, even within the same series. It appears that their approach is for someone to buy the entire series, overlaps and all :(. Too bad, because as you say;

Anyway, like I said, I like the look, sound and build quality, I just wish the prices stayed a little more competitive, like where they were when I first picked up the line. Great company. Great folks. I hope they sell a lot.

I was excited when I first discovered the new Series 200. But looking at is closer I really think they are missing the mark on so many different levels :(.
I sometimes wonder if the folks at T+A make the assumption that if they price for example the DAC's at the same level as MSB, DcS and others, then the public will consider T+A to be at the same qualty. As opposed to be seen to deliver the same quality and then slowly rise prices accordingly. Perhaps that logic works in other parts of the marketplace.

For my part I see no way that I can afford to upgrade to the latest pre-amp-transport-DAC series, much as I want to, this side of a lottery winner.
They went nuts with pricing quarter after quarter after quarter. I even met with the owner in Germany and told him all this. I went through a few products and where they needed to be price wise based on competition. I explained that these repeated quarterly price increase made their products unobtainable.

You can’t sell a $25,000 integrated in a sea of $5-15k ones. When that same Integrated was $16k, you could perhaps get someone there. But not at $25k when you’re talking separates for that money. The Boulder 866 is $14,950 with DAC for perspective. Boulder!

This piece, IMO, should be $4,995 based on market comps or less. It’s class D for Christ sake.

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Went nuts with pricing is a understatement. They went freaking out of orbit with their pricing.