Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
I am seriously considering getting a T+A AMP8 to go along with my DAC8 DSD. Absolutely love the DAC!!!

I have the new PS Audio M700's. They are pretty nice amps and sound great. However, even though I cannot put my finger on it they just are not giving me the warm and fuzzy feeling. The DAC8 DSD does so in spades!

Has anyone tried this amp? The reviewers are saying that it basically is a direct trickle down from their higher amps in a small lower power variety. Fine by me... if anything the M700's have way too much power. I just do not use it and have to find ways to reduce the gain in order to have more control from my pre-amp.

Opinions are very much welcomed.... :)

No mention anywhere in their specs of input sensitivity so it may or may not solve you high gain issue with the ARC.
Here is from their manual. I do not understand how gain works in the interaction between pre and the amp. If I am reading this correct the the spec is 1.4v.

I could have this incorrect though. Would this be good or bad?

Mike wants me to try the T+A gear. He thinks it’s my kind of sound. Build quality looks awesome. I might have to give into temptation. :)
Hehe Joe. The DAC has impressed the heck out of me. I am thinking their little amp may do the trick for me. They seem like a company doing things the right way!
Opinions are very much welcomed....

> in terms of the gain, have you enabled the volume control on the dac8 dsd so as to reduce the line-level voltage being sent to the pre-amp? might be something to try.

> with respect to the PSA M700s, the amp8 might do the trick and i suspect it will... however, the lack of warm-and-fuzzy might also be attributable to the pre-amp alone and/or its synergy with the M700s. if you can its probably best to demo the amp8 in your system before committing.

also, not sure how much china you want to break here but i am running my dac8 dsd through an integrated amplifier and could not be happier... so, that might be something to throw in the mix - a tubed one but that is just me, ymmv!

if something of interest, check this thread...
Thanks for the input. When I am talking warm and fuzzy here I am speaking more of a feeling I get then the actual sound. The M700's sound fantastic, no complaints at all.

For me to be totally happy with my gear I need to both love the sound, but also the feeling I get from the gear, the sound, the look and feel (design), quality put into the unit, but mostly simply the feeling that the piece gives me. I am also quite sure that Class D comes into play here (which is a complete illogical bias I am sure). I also know this is simply my problem here because the PS Audio amps are simply great and seem to live up to the fantastic reviews they have been receiving.

My pre-amp gives me this feeling, my KEFs do (man do they), and the T+A DAC8 DSD is simply my favorite piece I have ever owned. I love the design, the build, that it is designed and built in Germany, how solid it feels... from everything I can find, reviews, reading about the unit, etc., the amplifier appears to be cut from the same cloth as the DAC. Design is an exact match. I love that they use no plastics at all. They make a point about that they use metal throughout in their units! I love that they state that they design their units to not last years, but instead decades. This is the warm and fuzzy stuff I am talking about, and I totally understand this is for sure my issue and not the gear.
Those are the input sensitivities for the RCA and XLR inputs: 0.7V for RCA and 1.4V for XLR, IOW the amp needs these voltage levels for full power output.
...For me to be totally happy with my gear I need to both love the sound, but also the feeling I get from the gear, the sound, the look and feel (design), quality put into the unit, but mostly simply the feeling that the piece gives me.

ahhh... totally get that and can relate!
Well I think I am going to get an AMP 8... I think it should do the trick for me in every way.

I will be selling my 3 month old PS Audio M-700's... great amps, just way too much power for me... and I really like T+A so thinking in my setup should make me happier.
Thx Mike,

Really looking forward to it.

Anyone looking for some brand new M700's (3 months old).... I know a pair that will be available very soon... Really nice amps that deserve the great reviews they have been receiving :)... incredible amount of power and excellent sounding (fantastic sound stage)... I just feel the T+A will fit my needs better (the PS Audio are just too darn much power for me)....
wow, congrats! i will definitely be following your impressions / review of the amp8 closely.

...maybe make it a hat-trick and add in the MP8 !?
Randy, I've heard almost all the T+A lines.
Terrific products: excellent sound, build quality,...
I'm really looking forward to hear their new speakers also (similar to but a bit cheaper than the Magico A3 here).
...maybe make it a hat-trick and add in the MP8 !?

Yea... NO.... :)... if it could play SACD then it might be worthy of considering, and its other functions are next to useless to me... FM-HD and Internet Radio might be nice (although for the limited FM I do the old classic Technics Pro I have is just fine), I don't stream so that is not important....

I just can't see anything that the MP8 would give me :)... as a spinner the Oppo gives me all I need, allowing me to get my SACDs to my music server :D...
I have a lot of experience with the AMP 8. Honestly, it should get way more attention than it does. Easily my favourite amp I've used at anywhere near that price point. Power, control and articulation well beyond what you'd ever think. Had mostly used it directly driven by a DAC8 DSD. For one customer he felt it made even more of a difference in his system than the DAC 8 DSD. I even drove ATC SCM40 with one for a good while. Plenty of amps can fall short with these speakers, but shockingly, the AMP 8 drove them very well. I've tried it via the preouts of a Hegel Rost as well with excellent results. I'm sure you'll love it.

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Randy I am going to go a different direction. Why not try the PS Audio BHK amp? If you bought the M700 from a dealer they might work you a deal in a swap. I have the LS50 and the R500 speakers and mine like a more rich lush sounding amp driving them and they like LOTS of power too. The M700 amps use the older generation class D modules which were not known for their rich sound quality. The AMP8 is not a very high powered amp either. Just a different perspective. Good luck on your search.