Rythmik subs

I bought a Rythmik 15-inch sub 5 or 6 years ago because I finally gave up striving to achieve a superior location for my speakers. After owning the Rythmik sub for a lengthy time, I gave up on it too and decided to satisfy myself with average bass.

However, every now and again, I'd go back to the 1-page summary sheet Rhythmik provides and each time I'd try to read between the lines just a bit more than the last time (which could have been months). Anyway, one day not so long ago, I tried reading between the lines more than ever before and after a few tuning adjustments of a few toggle switches and knobs (I forget which ones), the sub suddenly crossed over the fence from a me-too type of bass to a musically superior bass. And to this day I will tweak and tune for even more improvements.

Prior to this I had already reached out to a few local friends asking if they'd be interested in buying my sub and boy am I glad they said no.