REL No. 25 versus G1 MkII, versus 212SE...

I'm currently using the stock subwoofer cables. I ordered REL Baseline Blue subwoofer cables a couple of weeks ago, but they're on back order. I hope to have them in a week or two. I'm using Audioquest power cords on my subwoofers, but I've already ordered two Clarity Vortex power cords to match the rest of the power cords in my system.
I added the Baseline Blue to my 212SEs (I have a pair of them) and absolutely loved it. Made a huge difference.

That said, I’m running stock (!) power cords on them, so I’ll have to do something about that.

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The new cables improved everything. Tighter, crisper bass, but with plenty of body. I bought them used, so it was quite cost effective. I am not sure of my set up in my new room and I may need to use the wireless connection, so I’ll have a comparison.

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My REL Baseline Blue cables shipped and I'll have them on Friday. I'm curious to hear what impact they'll have in my system.

Eager to hear your experiences, too. Might wanna join the Bassline club as well, if the improvements you get are similar. Especially since I find the cable’s price quite moderate in comparison to what the subs and especially other cables like power cords etc can cost.

So fingers crossed you enjoy them a lot!! :)
You will have to re- integrate the subs after you add the cables. I found that I had to add more gain. That takes about five minutes and then it’s great. REL has YouTube videos on it and information on their site.

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I received the REL Baseline Blue cables. I don't want to exaggerate, but to simply say that the REL Baseline Blue cables makes a difference would be an understatement. Everything and I mean everything is improved relating to detail across the entire audio spectrum. Adding the second subwoofer improved space and equalized my room. I'm willing to say as it pertains to improving detail, adding the Baseline Blue is more impactful than adding the second subwoofer.
I received the REL Baseline Blue cables. I don't want to exaggerate, but to simply say that the REL Baseline Blue cables makes a difference would be an understatement. Everything and I mean everything is improved relating to detail across the entire audio spectrum. Adding the second subwoofer improved space and equalized my room. I'm willing to say as it pertains to improving detail, adding the Baseline Blue is more impactful than adding the second subwoofer.

Good to hear. I have always had a pair of stereo subs, so can’t compare the two, but the cables made a significant positive difference in my system. I’m surprised more folks don’t give it a try.

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Good to hear. I have always had a pair of stereo subs, so can’t compare the two, but the cables made a significant positive difference in my system. I’m surprised more folks don’t give it a try.

There are some that believe cables don't make a difference. In addition, all systems are different and can have different results. e.g. When I had REL Carbon Limited subwoofers I preferred the low-level connection. With the REL G1 mkII subwoofers I prefer the high-level connection. I just say to each their own.
I received the REL Baseline Blue cables. I don't want to exaggerate, but to simply say that the REL Baseline Blue cables makes a difference would be an understatement. Everything and I mean everything is improved relating to detail across the entire audio spectrum. Adding the second subwoofer improved space and equalized my room. I'm willing to say as it pertains to improving detail, adding the Baseline Blue is more impactful than adding the second subwoofer.

Ordered mine today... in fact my dealer still has one on stock. So should be able to connect it this weekend. Really excited to see what difference it brings! Especially the part you mentioned that details improved over the whole spectrum. Sounds like a speaker or DAC upgrade. Anyway, we‘ll see once it‘s hooked up and running...
I added the Blueline cable this weekend and it definitely made a very noticeable impact. First I chose a couple of tracks with kick drum bass to look at those qualities. For me it was firmer, tighter, more defined and less bloated. Like you went for the gym for two years and now got a more defined 6-pack. Guess this is an occasion where one would say (no) pun intended.
Anyway... after paying attention to solely bass, I found to my surprise that voices became better defined and the general presentation got more realistic / „grown-up“.
I only had one day to really compare, since I swap USB cables from AQ diamond to Shunyata Sigma the day after, which also brought a very meaningful in terms of realism to voices...

Given the price the Bassline is a no-brainer. When one compares what other cables costs, one could justify price of $1.500-2.000, if you got a 212/SE, G1 Mark II or No. 25 in my option. Glad to see that REL prices their products very reasonable!!! :)))
It's great that you hear similar improvements in your system with the Baseline Blue. I use a Wireworld Platinum USB cable. It sounds more open and detailed compared to the AQ Diamond when I compared them in my system. What differences do you hear between the AQ Diamond and Sigma?

well I‘d say the Sigma (and Alpha, which I compared at home vs the AQ Diamond before ordering the Sigma) sounds more relaxed, realistic, analog, organic... to tick-off all the cliche terms.
For me the AQ Diamond sounds like a overly bright photograph that grabs your attention but makes you feel tired quicker when listening. Since it‘s per se a very good cable you might only notice it when you hear it against a cable like the Alpha. Both Alpha and Sigma sound more earthy and like a gentle massage were you could easily forget about the quality of these cables. Of course one could argue that it is system dependent - which it always is - but my feeling is that the Alpha/Sigma stay closer the music(s) flow. When my dealer asked me last year after having tried the Alpha, I said it‘s like you upgraded from a $1.000 to a $ 10.000 DAC. If you get a chance to audition it at home, I‘d give it a try. :)
I haven‘t heard the Wireworld so could be that you like it due to similar reasons. How would you describe the sonic differences?
Hi there,

a bit off topic both nevertheless my hope is somebody here with a pair of REL subs and mono amps can help me out this my little „bass riddle“:

My current set-up is a Rega Osiris Integrated and a single REL No. 25: in this combination the deep bass is really punchy, grippy and with both heft and groove. I really like it!!
Currently I‘m testing a pair of Bryston 28b3 monos. In this setup i love everything (Resolution, Fine Detail, Speed, musicality) which are considerably improved... just the bass is not there as with the REL connected to the Rega integrated, which I find pretty awkward. Also I‘m sure it‘s not that the bass is now so much leaner as to fool one in thinking it‘s less. It definitely has less punch.
REL says they don‘t recommend connecting a single sub to two monos (which I didn‘t). Instead I just used the two audio signal cable ends (Yellow + red) and connected them to the right mono. My dealer said it‘s okay since deep bass is the same on both right and left channel. Still I find the bass nothing like it‘s when connected to the integrated which is a bummer, because everything else is so much better.
I checked if the two monos plus REL could draw too much current from my Shunyata Power distributor by connecting the REL to a socket in the adjacent room with no change.

=> My best guess would be that the channels are NOT identical and that for mono amps one would indeed need a second sub.
Maybe anyone here with a REL stereo pair could test by deactivating their second sub and compare. Would be much appreciated!
I am in the same dilemma as you.
Will be receiving a like new single 212/SE sub for my system.
I have Rowland 925 mono amps, so not really sure what the best way to hook up the 212 correctly.
Maybe just connect to 1 of the mono amps, since getting another 212 sub is not an option for me??
A quick read of this article should shed some light on why two subs may be the “right” answer for monoblocks.

I preferred to use a crossover (Bryston 10B-SUB) between the preamp and the monos when I was running two subs but that was mainly to unburden the Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento stand mounted speakers from reproducing the lowest octave. Made the speaker much more coherent overall not having to deal with anything below 65Hz.

But as far as monoblocks, subs and actual recording studio mixing goes-

Can We Mix the Kick Drum & Bass in Stereo? | LedgerNote
Did some switching between the Rega / Brystons (with and without sub) and also chatted with my dealer. Apparently the Rega is not the most neutral amp and does some decent emphasis in the mid bass region. You can clearly tell the difference when not connecting the sub. The Brystons just have a iron fist and spot on dry bass, no fake make-up. It‘s like being used to sweetener and then switch to organic whole food.

Regarding the single sub to mono block. It seems - contrary to what I wrote above - that it works when connecting the single REL to say the the right mono. Just beware that you have either two positive (red) outlets to connect the left and right sub channel on one mono or if you don‘t use a Bassline Blue with spades to tie together the red and yellow cable ends of the standard sub cable. Then it should work.
Regarding sub integration: The experience above with the high level connection really shows that the REL perfectly mimicks the signature of the amp. The Rega was more boomy and so was the REL. The Brystons are just knock-out dry and so is the REL; it‘s just a different flavor.