Crossover setting


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Boynton Beach, FL
I thought it would be interesting to hear from you guys as to where you crossover your subs.

Barry “The Sound Doctor” recommends in his white paper on sub placement to crossover at 80hz, and run mains as “small” speakers no matter their size. In my room I hated the sound. I was missing way too much in my mains.

I personally crossover at 60hz for 2 channel with my mains set to “large”.

For home theater I’m at 50hz with my L/R/C set to “large” and my surrounds as “small”.

My set up is:
Processor: Bryston SP3
Amps: Bryston 28b3s, Bryston 4b3, Bryston 9bsst2
Digital: Aurender N10, Esoteric Grandioso K1
Speakers: Kef Reference 5, Kef Reference 4c, Kef Ci200RR-THX (surround/back)
Subs: Two JL Audio F212v2
Power: PS Audio PS10, Bryston BIT15
[Wires: Wireworld Silver Eclipse XLR & SC - WW Platinum USB
Other: Stillpoint Ultra SS
Video: Oppo 203, LG 65inch OLED

So let’s hear it. What works for you?

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In my set up with Magnepan 1.7i's and a pair of JL audio E110's I cross over at about 37 hz. I set the crossover point, level and adjusted phase using an XTC RTA. I was immediately amazed at the results I was able to achieve with these notoriously hard to blend with speakers. Each time I have had subs in the past I would constantly fiddle with the settings but have been satisfied nearly right off the bat with the relative inaudibility of the integration. I do have remaining bass/power range issues in my set up but they are well above sub territory.

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I find it interesting that a couple of you have said as low as 30hz. I find that if I go that low, my bass is non-existent in most music. My Kef Reference 5's just don't go that low comfortably. Or at least I've never been able to get that low of bass out of them in my room. I play in the 40-60 range and still can never figure out what I like the best.
I find it interesting that a couple of you have said as low as 30hz. I find that if I go that low, my bass is non-existent in most music. My Kef Reference 5's just don't go that low comfortably. Or at least I've never been able to get that low of bass out of them in my room. I play in the 40-60 range and still can never figure out what I like the best.

Since the most important placement to get smooth bass from the main speakers is ALWAYS seat placement, not speaker placement, perhaps that could be a factor.

My Tannoys are supposedly good to 28 Hz, but fall a bit short in my room when the seat is located for smoothest bass.

And I never even think about adjusting anything to do with the subs (other than leaving them powered up, but the volume turned down all the way), until I am done with locating seat & speakers.

IMO, as always.
My setup uses Magenpan 3.6s, Kinergetics 800 subwoofer towers, a 3-way active Pass Labs XO and an upgraded internal passive tweeter/midrange XO.

I like Barry's recommendation (!). I set my subs/mains at ~ 80 Hz with steeper 24dB/octave crossovers after I got my seat and speakers positioned.

I use DSP on the subs only. Even though they're rolling off above the cutoff Fq, there is enough useable response from them to equalize up to 200Hz to get a flat overall frequency response. Minimal digital opacity v. DSP full range. Can't do this if you set the XO at a low frequency. There is some delay on the subs. I would do it all a little differently now, but I got tired of messing with it.

If you can't measure what you're hearing at the listening position, integrating subs is a PITA. The high frequency rolloff is that way on purpose and it needs some more work. Overall, it sounds good. YMMV.


Barry (the other one...).


  • Best Frequency Response One third Octave Measurement 24 Sept 13.jpg
    Best Frequency Response One third Octave Measurement 24 Sept 13.jpg
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Bump old thread (I’m googling stuff)
My dual carbon specials with my ME-1s are XO’d at about ~52 or so Hz. Recently played in the 65-72 or so range, and while it sounded good, my sub drew to itself with a female vocal, surprisingly. Worth noting, the left sub is closer to a corner than the right.