Video: World’s Best High-End Speakers 2021

Judging anything just on the basis of listening during trades and shows? Sorry, but it's not even funny. Unknown system, unknown environment, accidental repertoire and other variables looks like Russian roulette nor any type of critical listening. During the show You can describe the design, "theoretical potential" of component, or synergy of the system, but not even close to the judge is something tot or not.
Well he did describe the sound of the VAC’s more so than the Ghersmans to me ..

I do agree shows due to their noisy nature , working in an unfamiliar environment with noisy power is obviously hard to put your best foot forward , but equipment and rooms which consistently show poorly vs those that consistently show good does reveal more than just a passing comment , about show conditions ..

As to his list i can see many liking his picks with but a few exceptions to me ...

I enjoy these lists for a few reasons. Seeing gear that I’m not familiar with and getting some perspective on what other people think is their bast. Obviously it’s up to us to experience gear in our own systems to find out if it’s right for us.
Well he did describe the sound of the VAC’s more so than the Ghersmans to me ..

I do agree shows due to their noisy nature , working in an unfamiliar environment with noisy power is obviously hard to put your best foot forward , but equipment and rooms which consistently show poorly vs those that consistently show good does reveal more than just a passing comment , about show conditions ..

As to his list i can see many liking his picks with but a few exceptions to me ...



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A little light on thoughts on other speakers and comparisons.

His comments around sound were interesting.

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When discussing best speakers, the first step is to look at their Klippel measurements.
If a manufacture can arrange to get the speakers to a show, then they can arrange to get the speakers tested.
Why ....?

To narrow the field.
And it's more than challenging to do good listening tests.
Modern speaker measurements like the Klippel won't give the final rating but will eliminate a lot of the overpriced players.
I won't even consider a loudspeaker at any price before looking at it's measurements.
To narrow the field.
And it's more than challenging to do good listening tests.
Modern speaker measurements like the Klippel won't give the final rating but will eliminate a lot of the overpriced players.
I won't even consider a loudspeaker at any price before looking at it's measurements.

What are you looking for ..? What measurement say bad or good ..? How is the klippel able to give low frequency anechoic measurements response indoors..

"I enjoy a warmer sound because humans are warm blooded and, that's how they're supposed to sound". Moving on.....
I don't think that any measurements including Klippel measurements would have any meaning to me what so ever. Especially on speakers. Measurements simply do not tell me what a piece of gear sounds like. I also realize that some people live and die by measurements. To each their own :).
I don't think that any measurements including Klippel measurements would have any meaning to me what so ever. Especially on speakers. Measurements simply do not tell me what a piece of gear sounds like. I also realize that some people live and die by measurements. To each their own :).

Measurements can tell alot ( compatible amplification for eg ) but it will never say good or bad for you specifically as its not subjective measurement for taste ..

Has anyone heard or owned the Gershwin Grande Avant Garde speakers?

Almost had the opportunity last year at the fla Audio show , but they were having technical issues with one of their units , cant recall totally now as the setup was wireless blue tooth if i recall correctly , tried to assist but we couldn't get it going ..

Its a really small speaker , nice looking, nice people ..!

If you hear Merrill Audio you'll think differently about Class D... ;-)

Merrill is class D , i thought they precious metal devices .. :)

I have heard them and yes great sounding amps , never had the opportunity to compare so not sure how high up the food chain they compare ..

I saw the Klippel device at the Magico factory. To my knowledge Magico is the only company that has invested the $300,000+ for this instrument. I have not seen anyone, even Magico, publishing the results of testing with the Klippel. And there is not, to my knowledge, any company offering to perform Klippel testing on audio speakers. Time will tell if this becomes a mainstream design tool.