Magico A3 in small room


New member
Feb 17, 2020

I am considering the A3 for my office - 13' x 12.5' x 12' (height). What impressed me about the A3 was the bass coming out of it. Is the A3 overkill for a room like this? Any other speakers you would recommend?

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Welcome to the forum. Your room is almost square. That is alway a problem. The A3 speakers like most full range speakers like room around them. If you like the Magico sound you might consider the A1 monitor speakers and add a sub.
Welcome to the forum. Your room is almost square. That is alway a problem. The A3 speakers like most full range speakers like room around them. If you like the Magico sound you might consider the A1 monitor speakers and add a sub.

Actually, the room is almost a cube. The unusually high ceiling might be a benefit.
A3 will be fine. Sealed box makes them better to adapt to smaller rooms.

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Actually, the room is almost a cube. The unusually high ceiling might be a benefit.

Your description is more accurate of course. My room is not a large room 11'wx8'Hx16' to chair and open to dining room behind. My A3s are 6' from the front wall and 2' from the side walls. I think that extra length give my room some advantage for a three way speaker. Monitors with a sub can make it easier to work with in a small room.

Mike of course would understand room and size requirements much better than most people.
Welcome to the forum. Your room is almost square. That is alway a problem. The A3 speakers like most full range speakers like room around them. If you like the Magico sound you might consider the A1 monitor speakers and add a sub.

I would suggest that as the room size decreases the number of subs should increase. I know this seems counterintuitive. Integrating a single sub with monitors in a small room could be quite a task. YMMV